| End of road on Vogar - Slatna (via Griva) Slatna is a scenic mountain located between Kredo and Prvi Vogel. The grassy peak, which is not reached by any marked trail, offers a beautiful v... 3 h 45 min |
 | Jezerski vrh - Plešivec Plešivec is an 1801 m high peak located south of the eastern part of Košuta. The summit, on which the border signpost stands, offers a beautiful ... 3 h 30 min |
 | Za Loncem - Deska (Veža) Deska is a scenic peak located in the heart of the Dleskovška Plateau or Veža. From the top, where a large cairn stands, we have a beautiful view... 3 h 30 min |
 | Za Loncem - Tolsti vrh (Veža) Tolsti vrh is a 1985 m high mountain located in the heart of the Dleskovská Plateau - Veže. The summit, which is covered with dwarf pines, offers... 3 h 35 min |
 | Gate (Belca) - Techantinger Mittagskogel (Trupejevo poldne) (by road) The mountain is located on the border with Austria and is above Gozd Martuljko. From the uncultivated summit there is a beautiful view of Julian ... 4 h |
 | Srednji vrh - Techantinger Mittagskogel (Trupejevo poldne) (via Grajšca) The mountain is located on the border with Austria and is above Gozd Martuljko. From the uncultivated summit there is a beautiful view of Julian ... 4 h |
 | Dom Trilobit - Weinasch/Vajnež (via Rida) Weinasch is the highest peak of Belščice, a mountain range located to the west of the better known Stoľa. From the top, where the cross and the S... 4 h |
 | Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Weinasch/Vajnež Weinasch is the highest peak of Belščice, a mountain range located to the west of the better known Stoľa. From the top, where the cross and the S... 3 h 30 min |
 | Gate (Belca) - Mallestiger Mittagskogel (by road) Mallestiger Mittagskogel, or Mallestiger Mittagskogel in German, is an 1801 m high mountain located on the northern side of the main Karavanke mo... 3 h 25 min |
 | Tolminske Ravne - Žabiški Kuk (on mule track) Žabiški Kuk is located on the southern side ridge of the Lower Bohinj Mountains near the better known Vogel and above mountain pasture Razor. Fro... 3 h 45 min |
 | Weissensee - Kopasnock (via Karalm) Kopasnock is a lesser known peak in the Latschur group reached by an unmarked route. The grassy peak offers a beautiful view of Gailtaler Alps, C... 4 h |
 | Javorje - Raskovec (via Rodica) Raskovec is a scenic mountain located between the better known Rodica and the Black Earth. From this little-visited peak, which has no registrati... 3 h 45 min |
 | Rutarski gozd - Raskovec (via Rodica) Raskovec is a scenic mountain located between the better known Rodica and the Black Earth. From this little-visited peak, which has no registrati... 3 h 30 min |
 | Rudnik v Topli - Feistritzer Spitze Feistritzer Spitze is a 2113 m high peak located on the Austrian side of Pec. From the top on which the cross stands, you have a beautiful view o... 3 h 30 min |
 | Vas na Skali - Čisti vrh Čisti vrh is a 1875 m high mountain located north of the Špičje ridge, more precisely on the lookout above the Čez Drt saddle. From the summit, w... 3 h 30 min |
 | St. Vinzenz (St. Vinzenz) - Kleinalpl ... 3 h 35 min |