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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Techantinger Mittagskogel (Trupejevo poldne) / Gate (Belca) - Techantinger Mittagskogel (Trupejevo poldne) (by road)

Gate (Belca) - Techantinger Mittagskogel (Trupejevo poldne) (by road)

Starting point: Gate (Belca) (1007 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,5041°N 13,9179°E
Name of path: by road
Time of walking: 4 h
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 924 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1100 m
Map: Kranjska Gora 1:30.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 14.093
 8 people like this post
Number of pictures: 57
Number of comments: 22
Access to the starting point:
Due to the collapse, access to the described starting point is not possible until further notice (May 2018).
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Jesenice - West and then continue along the regional road towards Kranjska Gora. Follow the road to Belca and continue for a few 100 m, then you will see the beginning of a forest road on your right, leading into the Belka valley. Continue along the initially still wide, then narrower and sometimes quite precipitous forest road. Follow the picturesque road through the tunnel to a marked parking area by a small bridge at the confluence of the Suhego Grabno and Beli potok.
If you continue over the bridge, which has a green ramp behind it, you may find that it is locked when you leave.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the road, which immediately crosses a bridge, followed by a green ramp. The road soon starts to climb steeply along the picturesque stream Suhi graben. Higher up, we climb over a beautiful waterfall, and the road leads us a little further to a crossroads, where we continue along the road on the left (Kepa on the right).
The road continues to climb moderately, and we follow the "main" road at all junctions. A little higher up, the road leads past a forestry hut and a little higher still, past a water trough. The road, which has a few more small crossroads, continues to follow the 'main' road, which leads us around the last sharp right turn to a small crossroads at which there is usually a small cairn. Here, the path to Mojstrovica over the Bashinov Breg branches off to the left, and we continue straight on and follow the road to its end.
From the end of the road, climb over the fence to the above-mentioned saddle, where there is a crossroads of unmarked paths. Continue slightly right on the west side of the ridge (left Mojstrovica and Visoki vrh) along the path, which quickly leads to a small clearing, where we encounter the first orientation lop. Continue straight ahead on the initially poorly visible path (not to the left), which climbs steeply and leads us higher up to a small pass. The path ahead turns right and starts descending a slope covered with larch forest. The path then passes Tišlerica (1757m) in a semicircle and descends to a slightly larger meadow on the other side. In the upper part of this meadow there is a small crossroads where you continue north along a slightly steeper path. The path then climbs in a few switchbacks and then leads to an undistinguished saddle between Kresišče and Laskovec.
Continue along the path, which crosses the slopes of Kresišče to the west and in a gentle downhill. After a short descent, a pleasant path (there are several of them) leads us to mountain pasture Grajšca, where the path from Srednji vrh joins us from the left.
From Grajšca, from which there is a fine view of the Martuljska group of mountains, we continue along the gently sloping meadow, which is interspersed with numerous holes made by marmots. The path through the narrower and narrower meadow leads us higher into a rare forest, which ends with a small but very distinct torrent. The path continues along and alongside the torrent and leads us higher up to the border ridge, where the next crossroads are. Continue slightly left (right Maloško poldne) along the path, which continues with some slight ascents and descents, crossing overloking and partly grassy slopes. The way forward gradually begins to climb and after a while leads us to the saddle between Lepim vrh (so on the maps, otherwise the peak has other names Bele peči, Peči and Na Pečeh) on the left and Techantinger Mittagskogel on the right.
From the saddle, where the path from Železnica joins, continue right and, following the increasingly scenic slope surrounded by dwarf pines, reach the summit in a few minutes.
The last metres below the summit are slightly exposed and dangerous to slip in the snow.
Starting point - Sedlič 1:45, Sedlič - Techantinger Mittagskogel 2:15.
zemljovid puta - Techantinger Mittagskogel (Trupejevo poldne)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
Gate (Belca) - Techantinger Mittagskogel (Trupejevo poldne)1
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Discussion about the trail Gate (Belca) - Techantinger Mittagskogel (Trupejevo poldne) (by road)
Guest11. 01. 2007
Lepa nenaporna tura z lepim razgledom na Martuljško skupino gora. Samota in mir obdajata to idilično stezico v osrčju Karavank. Varen korak vsem.
Guest14. 01. 2007
Se strinjam z gostompred mano. Prelepo potepanje v miru in prelepih razgledih.Poleti polno svizcev.roče. Pozimi pa s smučmi.Žal letos nič.
Guest24. 01. 2007
Pa borovnice tudi.
Guest27. 01. 2007
Zame ena najlepših tur v naših planinah!
Guest30. 03. 2007
Izlet za vse letne čase: ob koncu zime polno teloha, spomladi neverjetne poljane vresja, poleti vse rdeče od rododendrona, jeseni čudoviti zlati macesni ... Tisti "travnik, ki ga vidimo pod seboj", pa je planina Grajšca! Gost
Guest2. 05. 2007
29.4. sva bila v tem koncu. Prekrasno. Svizci so že zunaj in dirkajo vsepovsod. Snega je le še za vzorec na grebenu proti vrhu Trupejevega poldneta.
Guest3. 05. 2007
Kako pa je trenutno s cesto do Terčerce? Je normalno prevozna? Je treba parkirati že spodaj, ali je rampa odprta?
Guest20. 05. 2007
Je rampa odprta?
Guest20. 05. 2007
20.5.2007 smo se z Železnice (odcep s ceste na Korensko sedlo, 11 km gozdne ceste)povzpeli na Trupejevo poldne. Čeprav pot ni označena, pa se na sedlu združi s potjo z Belce in se je lahko orientirati. Vreme prekrasno, prekrasen pogled na Špik, Jalovec,Mangart,Ponco in seveda na avstrijsko stran (Beljak, dve jezeri). S te strani svizcev ni bilo videti, smo pa videli prelepo floro, posebej encijani so bili vredni ogleda. Naslednjič bomo šli raje s Srednjega vrha, saj je samo 1,15 ure daljša potnasmeh
b0jan22. 05. 2007
Rampa je zaprta, vendar ni zaklenjena...zaželjeno je zapiranje za sabo...midva sva šla vseeno kar peš, pa se precej vleče po cesti...
Guest11. 09. 2007
Konec tedna bi se odpravila na to turo pa me zanima kaksne razmere so?Je rampa odprta?
Guest11. 09. 2007
Ranpe so postavljene zaradi razloga.Da se ne vozimo po cesti naprej.Kdor gre v hribe zaradi hoje bo tudi po cesti malo popešačil.Drugače je pa lepa krožna tura z Srednjega vrha.nasmehnasmeh
Guest11. 09. 2007
Jaz hodim v hribe zato, da hodim po hribovskih stezah, ne pa da nabiram kilometre po cestah. Za cestno pešačenje mi ni treba hoditi v hribe.
Guest13. 09. 2007
Zanima me ta krožna pot ki ste jo omenili.Mi lahko poveste kaj več?
Edina29. 06. 2014
Kar pod tale naslov bom objavila včerajšnje popotovanje iz doline Belce, čeprav je nekoliko drugačno od opisanega, je pa izjemno lepo. Že sama soteska je skrivnostna in vrhovi nad njo, ki čakajo, da jih tudi jaz obiščem.nasmeh
Torej: Po dolini z avtom do planine Belca (ponekod tudi Brdca ali Na planji). S planine po lovski poti na sedlo Velika trata, okrog Leskovca in čez južna pobočja Kresišča do glavnega grebena kamor pada zahodni del vrha Kresišča. Po njem na vrh in nazaj. Z Grajšce po zgoraj opisani poti na Trupejevo poldne, z njega nadaljevanje po grebenu do Blekove planine in čez Zajčnik na Vošco. Z Vošce čez Jureževo planino na Srednji Vrh kjer čaka drugo vozilo. Izjemno lepo, le razgledi so bili od Kresišča dalje bolj oblačni. Več
golica29. 10. 2018
zanima me,ali smo v tem tednu(sreda,ko bo lepo vreme) že "pozni" za macesne, pravo jesensko idilo? v dolini je,kaj pa tu višje? Hvalanasmeh
otiv29. 10. 2018
Glede na vreme, ki je bilo te dni in še bo danes ponoči, ste verjetno za letos prepozni. Če želite še videti zlate macesne vsaj nekaj vam priporočam obisk Erjavčeve koče na Vršiču.
golica29. 10. 2018
hvala za infonasmeh
turbo29. 10. 2018
Ja, nalivi in veter znajo "obriti" macesne do golega. "otiv" ima prav, tam bi se še kaj našlo. Od Erjavčeve po peš poti do Poštarskega doma in mimo Tičarjevega nazaj dol. Potem se pa še ob cesti kje nižje ustavite, vse do Koče na Gozdu se najde macesne.
djimuzl31. 10. 2018
Veliko jih je tudi še nad Martuljkom, veter tam ni delal škode..
Enka1. 11. 2018
Tudi po Fužinskih planinah in nad njimi jih je še lepo gledat.
golica1. 11. 2018
hvala vsem za idejenasmehnasmeh
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