Pictures of the week - 90
Picture of the week 15. 10. 2007 - 21. 10. 2007
| Picture description: Jutranji Rokavi |
Picture of the week 8. 10. 2007 - 14. 10. 2007
| Picture description: Julijske Alpe se kopajo v morju oblakov. |
Picture of the week 1. 10. 2007 - 7. 10. 2007
| Picture description: Udeleženci zapiranja doma na Podih. |
Picture of the week 24. 09. 2007 - 30. 09. 2007
| Picture description: Storžič - Žrelo - proti vrhu |
Picture of the week 17. 09. 2007 - 23. 09. 2007
| Picture description: Ojstrica. |
Comments (2)
Guest11. 08. 2009 13:17:14 |
Tu sva z ženo preživela letos najlepši dopust v 30 letih kar sva skupaj!
tisa1. 11. 2010 18:38:35 |
Čudovito, kar malo vama zavidam. Pe še velik taki dopustov. Srečno!
Picture of the week 10. 09. 2007 - 16. 09. 2007
| Picture description: Razgled z Jalovca. |
Picture of the week 3. 09. 2007 - 9. 09. 2007
| Picture description: Svizec ob poti na Gartnerkofel. |
Picture of the week 27. 08. 2007 - 2. 09. 2007
| Picture description: Svizec ob poti od Zgornje Krme proti Staničevemu domu. |
Picture of the week 20. 08. 2007 - 26. 08. 2007
| Picture description: Snežnik |
Picture of the week 13. 08. 2007 - 19. 08. 2007
| Picture description: Slap Boka |