Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo
Altitude: 1371 m
Lat/Lon: | 46,50272°N 15,21034°E |
| |
Type: koča, sedlo
Weather forecast:
Views: 500.032
Popularity: 91% (337. place)
Description of mountain hut:
Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo is located below the Pungart saddle, between Velika Kopa (1542 m) and the less distinct Otiše peak (1416 m). Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo is also an SPP point, and from home we have some views of the surrounding area.
Grmovškov dom is closed for renovation (October 2022), but Luke's home Kope remains open for guests, where benefits are offered with the Mountain Card and where the SPP stamp is located.
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