Ribniška koča - Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo
Starting point: Ribniška koča (1507 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,4974°N 15,2555°E |
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Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: -136 m
Altitude difference po putu: 100 m
Map: Pohorje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 23.095
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Access to the starting point:
a) From the road Maribor - Dravograd, before the village of Brezno, turn left in the direction of Podvelka, Ribnica na Pohorju and Ribniška koča. After the bridge over the Drava River, we arrive at Podvelka, and we follow the road in the direction of Ribnica na Pohorju. After about 10 km from the bridge over the Drava, we reach the centre of Ribnica na Pohorju, where we turn left. There is a further climb of about 8 km, mostly on a dirt road, to Ribniška koča, where we park.
b) From Dravograd, drive towards Maribor, and after Radlje ob Dravi at the roundabout, leave the main road towards Maribor and continue driving towards Vuhred, Ribnica na Pohorje and Ribniška koča. After the bridge over the Drava River, we arrive at Vuhred, and we continue along the road in the direction of Ribnica na Pohorje. After about 10 km from the bridge over the Drava, we reach the centre of Ribnica na Pohorju, where we turn right. There is a further climb of about 8 km, mostly on a dirt road, to Ribniška koča, where we park.
Path description:
From the parking lot in front of Ribniška koča, follow the marked footpath in the direction of Partizanski dom, Koča pod Kremžarjevim vrhom, Črni vrh and Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo. At first, we climb up the cart track, and just a little further on we reach a worse macadam road, which takes us in a few steps to the reservoir lake at Mali Črni vrh, where we get a beautiful view that reaches all the way to the Kamniško Savinjske Alps (Kamniško Savinjske Alps).
From Mali Črni vrh, continue in the direction of Kop and continue along the worse macadam road, passing a fenced private cottage on the left. The road ends and the path leads us along a well-trodden track, which initially descends a little further, and at an unmarked saddle at an altitude of 1477 m the path branches off slightly to the left towards Mislinja, and we continue straight on towards Črni vrh and Grmovškov dom. The way ahead is mostly moderate climbing, and the marked path is followed to a marked crossroads.
From the crossroads continue straight on towards Grmovškov dom at Kopa (slightly left Črni vrh for 3 minutes), where you initially cross the woded slopes of Črni vrh, but a little further on you leave the forest and a beautiful view opens up. After a short crossing, we merge with the path leading over Črni vrh, and we continue slightly to the right and begin a moderate descent. A little further on, the path is transitively laid and the path from Mislinja joins us on the left.
Continue straight on towards Grmovškov dom, and the path gradually passes a wooden fence, along which it then descends for some time. Descend along the wider cart track, and when cart track passes to the inner side of the fence, continue slightly right along the waymarked path, which continues along the fence, but stops descending at a short distance. Further on, return to the wider cart track, which becomes a worse road, and the corral ends. After a transitional short climb, there is then a descent to the Pungart saddle, where we reach the complex of tourist facilities at Kopa, and we go left and continue to the nearby Grmovškov dom below Velika Kopa (at the time of description the lodge was under renovation).
Description and pictures refer to the situation in October 2022.

We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Velika Kopa
Discussion about the trail Ribniška koča - Grmovškov dom pod Veliko Kopo
mojcej'7210. 08. 2009 |
7.8. odšla iz smeri Ribniška Koča proti Grmovškovemu domu in tam v poznih urah našla prostor za nočitev. V sicer zame osebno majhni sobici (imam malo klavstrofobije), ampak čisti in zračni dvoposteljni sobici je težko prostora za dva (imajo pa nova strešna okna, tako da pohvalno) mi je uspelo dočakati naslednji dan. Nočitev brez zajtrka stane 9 EUR. Pot sem nadaljevala čez Malo Kopo na Kremžarjev vrh in dalje.
Valgirt slo 11. 03. 2023 20:31:14 |
Je koča v tem času odprta...?
jprim14. 03. 2023 16:55:30 |
Ja, koča??? Kar nekaj let nazaj sem bila tudi sama presenečena, ker sem mislila, da je to planinski dom ... Rekli so mi, da če hočem in vztrajam glede planinskega doma, mi dajo ključ od nekega prostora, ki se nahaja v zgornji etaži. Morda sedaj niti tiste sobe več ni na razpolago.  LP!
felix14. 03. 2023 17:26:16 |
V mojih mladih letih je bil Grmovškov dom res planinska koča, zdaj pa že dolgo več ni. To podobo je sedaj spremenila tudi sosednja koča.
Enka19. 03. 2023 16:40:39 |
Na PZS sicer piše, da je dom zaprt. Mi lahko kdo pove, kje se nahaja štempelj za SPP?
bongo20. 03. 2023 16:07:31 |
Grmovškov dom je odprt, tam naj bi bil žig, sicer pa vprašaj v Lukovem domu, kjer je bil žig med obnovo.