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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Ajdna / Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna (climbing way)

Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna (climbing way)

Starting point: Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom (1181 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,426°N 14,1468°E
Destination: Ajdna (1046 m)
Name of path: climbing way
Time of walking: 40 min
Difficulty: difficult marked way
Altitude difference: -135 m
Altitude difference po putu: 50 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet, self belay set
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, self belay set, ice axe, crampons
Views: 9.876
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 31
Number of comments: 4
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Lesce exit and follow the road towards Žirovnica and Jesenice. After a few km of driving, you will come to a crossroads where the road to Žirovnica and Moste turns right (from Jesenice, left). Just a few metres further, at the next crossroads, turn left into Moste (right into Žirovnica). Continue past the memorial to the fallen fighters, where the road starts to climb uphill under the railway line. At the top of the hill, turn right (at the Vila Karin sign) and we continue towards Završniškem jezero and Valvasor's home. The road then bends and leads to a crossroads where the road to Valvasor's home branches off to the left. Take the road mentioned above (straight ahead to the cottage at the source of the Završnice River), which begins to climb, first gently and then steeply, along a road that is sometimes quite rough (the steepest parts are asphalted). Higher up, the road leads to a slightly larger junction, where we continue left in the direction of Potoška planina (to the right of the Doslovška mountain pasture). The road then lays down and leads us a little further on to the next crossroads. This time continue slightly right in the direction of Valvasor's home (slightly left Ajdna and Potoška planina) and follow the steeper road all the way to the home. Park in one of the parking lots along the road near the mountain home, but only guests are allowed to park in front of the home.
From Poljane (crossroads in front of the Završnice lake) to the Valvasor's home is 5 km.
Path description:
From Valvasor's house, continue along the marked trail in the direction of Ajdna. The path, which bypasses the mountain lodge on the left, goes quickly into the forest, where it first crosses the slopes to the west and then begins to descend more visibly towards the nearby forest road leading to Potoska mountain pasture.
This road is reached at a small crossroads, from which you continue downhill to the right in the direction of Ajdna. Continue along the road for a short distance, and then the signs for Ajdna direct you sharply downhill to the left. Continue for some time on the less well-graded, partly uncovered cart track, and then the path passes onto a ridge, where it gradually flattens out. When the marked path leaves the ridge, it turns slightly right and descends to the saddle between Malo Ajdna and Ajdna.
There is a marked crossroads at this saddle, and we continue on the left path, which is marked as a very difficult path.
From the crossroads, we climb up the wall in a few steps, where we immediately come across a rope, which accompanies us almost through the entire climbing section. The route on the climbing section initially ascends transversely, then turns to the right and climbs steeply for a short time on an exposed slope. There is a slightly easier part, then the route turns right, where it quickly switches to a well protected ridge, which is followed up to the less steep part of Ajdna. When the path is laid, an easier path joins us from the right, and just a few metres after the crossroads, we arrive at the scenic summit of Ajdna.
zemljovid puta - Ajdna
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom, Potoška planina
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna17
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna18
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna19
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna20
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna21
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna22
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna23
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna24
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna25
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna26
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna27
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna28
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna29
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna30
Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna31
Discussion about the trail Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom - Ajdna (climbing way)
CarpeDiem24716. 10. 2011
Uau, kakšen lep razgled na Savo in pa Jesenice. Moram enkrat it na tale sprehod! velik nasmeh
katty14. 10. 2012
Danes sem se nahajala na tem koncu. Startali sva seveda spodaj,malo višje od parkirišča, nato pa nadaljevali kar po makadamski poti. Hm, plan je bil ves čas osvojiti oz. stopiti na Ajdnonasmeh, pa sem se potem pred vstopom v plezalni del žal morala obrniti-pa ne,da nebi bila izzivu kos, morala obrniti zaradi obveznostieekmrk pogled. Definitivno se vrnem, takrat v lepem jesenskem vremenu, saj je, vsaj po videnem, razgled od tu osupljiv. Sestopili sva pa po prijetni in lepo urejeni stezici, ki vodi do Valvazorjevga doma-pred časom najbrž deloma prenovljena, saj so na skalah prijetni napisi o višini. Ves čas je bilo videti, da je obiska bilo tam zgoraj prav velikomežikanje.
lilyd1. 03. 2020
Dva vodnika Jože in Miha, skupina tečajnikov, pot smo v soboto pričeli v Završnici. Po dobri uri vzpona je bilo dobri 500 višincev za nami in prišli smo do Valvasorjevega doma pod Stolom. Pot je proti vrhu bolj spolzka, dereze niso potrebne. Je pa nujna zimska oprema za vzpon na Stol. Mi smo pot nadaljevali do arheološkega najdišča Ajdne, kjer so razvaline lepo zavarovane, prav tako deli prve krščanske cerkve na slovenskem. Zadnji delček poti je lepo zavarovan z jeklenicami. Na vrhu lepi razgledi proti Triglavu, Mežakli, Jelovici, Pokljuki. In seveda Karavankam, od Dovške babe, Golice in Stol, najvišji, kot na dlani. Na vrhu smo izvedeli še in še od kamnin, do oblakov in vetrov...škoda, da vse ne ostane v glavi. Spust na drugo stran malo zasnežen, previden spust, a je tudi dodatno varovano, več jeklenic, kot včasih. Sprehod nazaj do doma, sledil je teoretični del. Koča je lepo urejena, čisto, hrana dobra. Poleg nas so bili na izobraževanju tudi hrvaški tečajniki. Me že vleče na Stol v pomladnih razmerah, pa še na Smolnik in Peči...
Majdag30. 04. 2022 07:55:28
Smolnik - Ajdna...Nobeden od naslovov ne ustreza moji poti, vem. Začela sem v Završnici in se po gozdni poti pri odcepu za Smolnik, odločila za strmo. Steza je suha, preprek ni. S Smolnika sem nadaljevala do ceste in potem proti Ajdni. Pri odcepu za Ajdno je kolovoz blaten, odvažajo les. Po plezalni na vrh, skale so suhe in avrikelj cveti. Sestop z Ajdne po spodnji poti. Razgledi na obeh vrhovih čudoviti. Vredni ogleda, pa še daleč ni.nasmeh
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