Sella Nevea - Rifugio Gilberti (via 636)
Starting point: Sella Nevea (1170 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,3874°N 13,4734°E |
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Name of path: via 636
Time of walking: 2 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 680 m
Altitude difference po putu: 680 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 8.026
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Access to the starting point:
a) First, we drive to Kranjska Gora, then we continue our journey via Border crossing Rateče to Itali. Drive towards Trbiž / Tarvisio, then turn left at the beginning of the town in the direction of Bovec. Continue along the regional road towards Border crossing Predel, and follow the main road to the crossroads near Lake Rabeljsko / Lago del Predil. Here we continue to the right in the direction of the Neveje Pass (V Žlebeh) / Sella Nevea and follow the asphalt road to the aforementioned pass. Park in the large parking lot at the bottom station of the circular cable car leading to the Rifugio Gilberti hut.
b) First drive to Bovec and then continue to Border crossing Predel, via which you will enter Itali. We then descend to Lake Rabel, after which we leave the main road leading to Trbiz and continue driving to the left towards the Nevejski Pass (V Žlebeh). The road then starts to climb again and we follow it to the aforementioned pass. Park in the large parking lot at the bottom station of the circular cable car leading to the Rifugio Gilberti hut.
Path description:
From the parking lot, follow the narrow asphalted road that leads to the Hotel Nevea. After about 100 metres of walking, you will reach a signpost for route No 636, which directs you to the left across a meadow onto a marked footpath. The path soon leads into the wods, through which you continue to climb along an old military causeway. Higher up, the forest becomes thinner and thinner, and the path leads us to the ruins of the Poviz barracks, with increasingly frequent fine views.
The path continues to climb for some time and then leads to a marked crossroads where we continue to the right in the direction of hut Rifugio Gilberti (left saddle Prevala, saddle Vrh Laških brežičev / Sella Robon, Speleological bivouac and Velika Bavha). From the crossroads onwards, the path is completely laid out and continues to the west. Cross the slopes for about 20 minutes and then the trail leads to the ski slopes of the Sella Nevea ski resort. At the same time as you enter the ski slope, you also enter the rescue transport road, which you follow past the chapel to the Rifugio Gilberti hut, which is reached after a few minutes' further walking.

Discussion about the trail Sella Nevea - Rifugio Gilberti (via 636)
matej71231. 08. 2015 |
Prehodili v nedeljo - pot 636 in 636a. Prekrasni razgledi, prava divjina. Vendar nam je celotno prečenje vzelo precej več kot 20 min - kar okoli 1 uro in pol. Podobna časovnica je tudi tukaj - Pot je sicer dobro označena, vendar ni dosti obljudena, tako, da se je treba orientirati od markacije do markacije. Mogoče kdo ve čemu so namenjeni nekakšni 'dimniki', ki poševno štrlijo iz skal? Opazili smo vsaj štiri.
BT8831. 08. 2015 |
Mislim da umetno proženju plazov.Če mislimo iste
stef27. 09. 2015 |
To pot prehodil danes in moram reči, da je časovni opis te poti precej zavajajoč. matej712 je kar dobro opisal koliko časa potrebuješ, da prehodiš pot 636A. Dodal bi samo še to, da se ta pot prav nič ne položi ampak se stalno vzpenja in spušča, sicer ne preveč, poleg tega pa moraš biti stalno zelo previden kam stopiš, saj je na poti ogromno lukenj in ostrih skal
rokeg9. 09. 2022 20:24:58 |
Ta pot ni ravno lahka. Na dveh mestih je kar treba uporabiti roke. Sta dva kratka skoka. Poleg tega greš še čez skalnati mostiček med dvema breznama. Če je pot iz Reklanske doline do Gorjude zahtevna, je ta pot tudi. Prečenje pa tudi traja vsaj 1 uro.
djimuzl10. 09. 2022 10:54:41 |
Mogoče sta Rok in Tadej upoštevala Igorjevo "časovnico" - on je, glede na poznavanje teh koncev - marsikatero pot prehodil malce bolj "pod uro"... 