Sella Nevea - Rifugio Gilberti
Starting point: Sella Nevea (1170 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,3874°N 13,4734°E |
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Time of walking: 1 h 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 680 m
Altitude difference po putu: 680 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
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Access to the starting point:
a) First, we drive to Kranjska Gora, then we continue our journey via Border crossing Rateče to Itali. Drive towards Trbiž / Tarvisio, then turn left at the beginning of the town in the direction of Bovec. Continue along the regional road towards Border crossing Predel, and follow the main road to the crossroads near Lake Rabeljsko / Lago del Predil. Here we continue to the right in the direction of the Neveje Pass (V Žlebeh) / Sella Nevea and follow the asphalt road to the aforementioned pass. Park in the large parking lot at the bottom station of the circular cable car leading to the Rifugio Gilberti hut.
b) First drive to Bovec and then continue to Border crossing Predel, via which you will enter Itali. We then descend to Lake Rabel, after which we leave the main road leading to Trbiz and continue driving left towards the Nevejski Pass (V Žlebeh). The road then starts to climb again and we follow it to the aforementioned pass. Park in the large parking lot at the bottom station of the circular cable car leading to the Rifugio Gilberti hut.
Path description:
At the end of the parking lot, you will see a sign for the Gilberti mountain lodge, which will direct you to the lower part of the ski slope. Once on the slope, continue left and after a short climb, you will reach a transport rescue road that ascends up the slope. From the relatively steep road, which is closed to traffic, new views open up from one step to the next, the most beautiful of which are of the nearby Belo Pach and the Jôf di Montasio group of mountains. Higher up, the road approaches the cliffs of Bela Peć and leads to the upper station of the cable car.
From the cable car, continue towards the Rifugio hut along the gently sloping road, which takes you past the chapel and leads you to the mountain lodge in a few minutes.
PS: Walking on the transport-rescue road is forbidden when the ski slope is in operation, and walking is also forbidden during construction work on the ski slope.
Discussion about the trail Sella Nevea - Rifugio Gilberti
di25. 07. 2015 |
Zanima me informacija o kabinski žičnici, ali vozi poleti proti koči Rifugio Gilberti vsak dan in od kdaj zjutraj?
miri25. 07. 2015 |
IgorZlodej 12.7.2015 Včeraj je pričela z obratovanjem gondolska žičnica Na Žlebeh (obratuje do 20. septembra, pričetek ob 8.30, zadnja v dolino ob 17.30, povratna 10 €, med 13 in 14 ne vozi)). Od koče Gilberti do bivaka Marušič nobenih posebnosti, prav tako ne v nadaljevanju na vrh. Sestopila sva po južnih pobočjih do mulatjere, česar pa ravno ne priporočam, zaradi visokih trav in malo ali skoraj nič uhojene poti. Sledil je povratek do koče oz. žičnice.