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Mountain ranges / Škofjeloško, Cerkljansko hribovje and Jelovica / Kojca / Orehek - Kojca (on the route of Kojca trail run)

Orehek - Kojca (on the route of Kojca trail run)

Starting point: Orehek (600 m)
Destination: Kojca (1303 m)
Name of path: on the route of Kojca trail run
Time of walking: 1 h 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 703 m
Altitude difference po putu: 703 m
Map: Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Author: golobt
Views: 7.173
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 42
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
First, drive to the centre of Cerkno (reachable from the Idrija - Tolmin road or from Gorenje village), then continue driving towards the villages of Zakriž, Zakojca, Jesenica, Gorje, Poče and Trebenče. Just a little further on, you will reach the next crossroads, where the road to the village of Zakriž branches off to the left. Here you have two options; you can continue to the left towards Zakriž and climb up the steep road to the village, or you can continue straight ahead and climb up the slightly longer but wider road to Zakriž.
Above the village of Zakriž, you will reach the next crossroads, where you continue to the right in the direction of the villages of Jesenica and Zakojca. Follow the sometimes quite scenic road through (below) the village of Jesenica. Behind the sign marking the beginning of Orehek village is a group of houses. Lok out for a yellow building just to the left of the road. About 30 m after it there is an asphalted turn-off to the sharp left. Here you turn to the former primary school building, which is also our starting point, and to the right the forest path runs steeply up the slope of Kojca. You can park at the former primary school, or at a few suitable places along the main road.
Path description:
The route "Along the route of the Mountain Run to Kojca" starts from the parking lot next to the former primary school, or from the main road if you have decided to park right next to it. If you start from the Primary Schol, you will first have 300 m of asphalted road. At the junction with the main road, cross it and a signpost will direct you along the forest road, which initially rises steeply and serpentinely. After a few hundred metres, the gradient decreases slightly, you reach a clearing where you can still see the remains of a hayloft, a very characteristic architectural heritage of the area, and then you continue through the forest again. The forest road soon ends and a signpost points to the left. The path leading to the Lipje Pass soon cuts into a ravine and then steeply out towards the top of the slope. Here, in order to make it easier and safer, the members of MD Vidaunk, who also organise the traditional mountain run to Kojca, have built steps. After crossing this, slightly more difficult part, we arrive at the Lipje preval, where the trail joins the trail from Jesenice (Vrh Ravni). A must-see attraction is the lookout point, which we turn off the trail 100 m below Lipje. It offers a wonderful view of the Cerkljansko region. We also recommend a visit to the Devil's and Wild Edge. You can find the legends about them and the signposts to them at the Lipje resting place.

Further on, the trail returns to the dense forest and begins to climb even steeper. Higher up, the steepness eases and the path turns right. After crossing the steep slopes for a few minutes, the path leads to a crossroads where the path from the village of Zakojca joins from the right.

Continue sharp left in the direction of Kojca along the hunting trail, which leads us just a little further to the main ridge of the summit. Here the path turns slightly to the right and begins again to climb steeply up the increasingly scenic top slope of the mountain. Higher steepness eases and the path leads us out of the forest to the grassy slopes, which are then climbed to the top of Kojce in a few minutes of scenic walking.
zemljovid puta - Kojca
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Discussion about the trail Orehek - Kojca (on the route of Kojca trail run)
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