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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Rudnica / Brod - Rudnica

Brod - Rudnica

Starting point: Brod (512 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,2733°N 13,9322°E
Destination: Rudnica (946 m)
Time of walking: 1 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 434 m
Altitude difference po putu: 445 m
Map: TNP 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 21.648
 3 people like this post
Number of pictures: 34
Number of comments: 7
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Lesce exit and then continue towards Lake Bohinj. A little beyond Bohinjska Bistrica, you will come to a small crossroads where the local road to the village of Brod branches off to the right. Turn right here and drive for another 100 m to the former parking area in front of the bridge over the Sava Bohinjka River.
Path description:
From the former parking lot, first cross the bridge and then walk along the asphalt road to the village of Brod. At the beginning of the village, the path with Bohinjska Bistrica joins from the right, and we continue straight on in the direction of Bohinjsko jezero and Rudnica. Just a little further on, the road to Srednji vas and Češnjica branches off to the right, and we follow the road through the village slightly to the left, where after a short slight descent we reach the next crossroads.
At this crossroads we see a mountain direction sign for Rudnica, which directs us to the right, to the road which leads us past the birth house of Dr Janez Mencinger to cart track, which leads us into the forest. Through the forest, we follow the occasionally sparse markings, and with a few views of the Lower Bohinj Mountains, the path leads us to steeper slopes where we join Ivan's path. From the crossroads, we continue to climb crosswise to the right for a short time, and then the path turns sharply to the left, where we quickly arrive at the foot of steep cliffs. After the cliffs, the path slowly turns to the right and gradually becomes less steep. A little further on, we cross a short lookout clearing, and the path behind it leads us into the forest, where we reach a small, slightly different chapel. Here the path turns slightly to the left and climbs gently to the ridge Rudnica, where the path from Stara Fužina and the village of Studor joins us on the left. Continue straight ahead and, along the edge of the forest, you will quickly reach the top of Rudnica, which offers a beautiful view of the Upper Bohinj valley and the surrounding mountains.
zemljovid puta - Rudnica
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Discussion about the trail Brod - Rudnica
Breda28. 12. 2011
Na Rudnici sem bila včeraj. Bilo je krasno vreme in tudi nekaj pohodnikov sem srečala. Pot sem začela pri Bohinjski Bistrici (kjer se začne na novo odprta kolesarska pot). Tam je postavljen smerokaz za Rudnico (2h), po približno 20 do 30 minutah hoje pa sem prišla do smerokaza, ki kaže levo za Brod, desno pa za Češnjico in Srednjo vas. Ker ni bilo napisa za Rudnico, sem zavila za Brod in prišla do Broda, od tam pa po Ivanovi poti na Rudnico. Nazaj grede sem šla za Srednjo vas in nato našla pot za Bohinsjko Bistrico. V kolikor se na pot odpravite iz Bohinjske Bistrice, morate pri smerokazu zaviti desno za Češnjico in Srednjo vas, nato pa po cca 500 m levo za Rudnico.nasmeh
Darxta12. 06. 2012
Zelo priporočam krajši spust z vrha do Razglednika, od koder se odpre zelo lep razgled na Bohinjsko jezero. Kažipot je le kakih 50m pred vrhom.
Holcar231. 12. 2012
Danes na Rudnici, lep izlet na zadnji dan starega leta, vreme čudovito. Mir so nekoliko skalili kar precej močni poki pirotehničnih sredstev v dolini, pa tudi višje v hribih, kar se mi zdi nevarno (proženje plazov, tudi to se je že zgodilo!)in predvsem neetično, četudi na robu TNP-ja.Kakorkoli že, vsem uporabnikom in upravljavcem strani želim srečno novo leto.
ajdaa7. 07. 2013
S taborom PD Rašica obiskali Rudnico z začetkom pri našem taboru , šli mimo Stare Fužine do Broda. Od tam smo bili hitro na vrhu.Tam je bila malica.Po malici smo se spustili nazaj do Save Bohinjke in jo bosi prebrodili. Lahko se pohvalim s tem, da sem med sušenjem nog ujela ljubko, lpo, malo, mlado belouškocool, jo rešila pred drugimi, ki so se je bali in jo dala stran od poti. Nato smo se vrnili v tabor.Vreme je bilo super in bilo je veliko žab sekulj, velikih koblic, zelenih vešč, metuljev, kastač,... Skratka veliko živalic nasmeh.
ajdaa7. 07. 2013
Pozabila sem napisati, da smo videi gamsa v poletnem kožuhuzadrega.
Borut120. 01. 2023 15:22:29
Zanima me, katera pot se bolj uporablja pozimi (v snežnih razmerah): iz Broda ali iz Stare Fužine.
Majdag17. 02. 2024 15:03:23
!4.2. Pristop z Broda po direktni poti. Sestop pa poti Široke police. Obe smeri sta strmi, ne preveč dolgi, potke in stezice pa suhe. Na vrhu pa lepi razgledi na Spodnjo in Zgornjo bohinjsko dolino. Lepo..nasmeh
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