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Ponca Vevnica Mangart Jalovec circle

AnteP14. 10. 2018 13:00:34
Hi all!

I am looking for 2 day route suggestions starting either from Tamar, Vršić road or maybe Belopeška jezera.

I would like to cross Ponce ridges, Vevnica, Mangart and on the other side Jalovec, Šite, Travnik, Mojtrovke...

Sleeping would be in some bivak like Nogara or similar which would suit 2 day route crossing.

Not sure what is possible (and relatively safe) from all these listed, but I appreciate any advises!

coffee14. 10. 2018 23:06:39
The most "practical" route is starting with ascend on Vevnica by Via della Vita and then descending into Tamar across Ponce ridge. From there you continue to Mojstrovke/Vršič where you turn west again towards Jalovec and Mangart, and descend again on Italian side. However, Via della Vita is officially closed as "via ferrata", but might still be accessable despite the damage.

The other options are either fairly long because you have to repeate some sections, or you need some skills in apline climbing and rope handling.

Also, the distance between Mangart and Vršič/Mojastravke is really long, without mentioning returning to the starting point, so you have to be properly fit to accomplish that.
AnteP21. 10. 2018 23:47:26
What are the options from going from Velika Ponca to Mangart saddle by ridge crossing?
gor_nik22. 10. 2018 01:08:51
Velika Ponca or Visoka Ponca ? You probably think Visoka Ponca?
AnteP25. 10. 2018 13:33:06
Yes, I meant Visoka Ponca.

1. So crossing a ridge from top of Vevnica across Strug and to Visoka Ponca is doable?

Only part from Vevnica to Mangart (going in other direction) is problematic?

2. What about Jalovec Managrt?

Is this red route doable? (Jalovec - razpotje - V koncu - Kotova špica - Mangart)
coffee25. 10. 2018 17:56:09
@ 1. Yes, it's doable. The difficulty is similar.

@ 2. That's a standard marked path.

redbull25. 10. 2018 18:06:14
You can climb/walk this path for the second year, in this year is over with such routes
AnteP27. 10. 2018 00:49:30
Why would it be over?
redbull27. 10. 2018 06:14:56
Why what?eekzmeden
Follow the weather conditions
AnteP27. 10. 2018 16:03:01
Well yes, the days are getting shorter and there will be snow (eventually), but nowhere it says you have to do whole route at once, you can do some sections, like always when planning and hiking through alps.
pikpok27. 10. 2018 16:52:41
Not a clever choice to try this route with snow, especially if you don't know it....
AnteP27. 10. 2018 23:29:42
What route?

1. From Mala Mojstrovka to Jalovec?

2. From Jalovec to Mangart?

3. From Tamar to Visoka Ponca?

How much snow is there now?
jax28. 10. 2018 00:02:02
All the abovementioned routes will get tricky with snow (maybe the third one is somewhat easier, but still not to be underestimated). It is exactly in these days that there is the first significant snowfall this autumn. So, for the time being, these climbs are not advised.
Of course, if you have enough experience with snow and mixed climbing you can try them. But it is about having enough experience, having right equipment and waiting for the right conditions. If you want to do it the easier way, you'll have to wait until next summer ...
garmont28. 10. 2018 18:10:53
@AnteP postavlja vprašanja že dva tedna. eek
Vmes pa je zamudil najlepši čas za željeno turo. zavijanje z očmi
redbull28. 10. 2018 20:10:22
Podpis pod Garmontovo izjavo
AnteP29. 10. 2018 16:29:09
What are the tricky parts from Ponca to Mangart? Anybody got some pictures?
coffee29. 10. 2018 16:48:55

Just a few forum threads related to your question.

Under "trenutne razmere" on the left side of the main page there is "iskanje" tab and if you enter any of your summits in the "ključne besede" window, you will get all threads containing the key word.
n3jc29. 10. 2018 23:25:05

Autumnn is tricky in the mountains. If you start a seven-hour trip in the morning and you realize halffway through that there is snow on the path, you turn back and you are safely in the valley at lunchtime. If you attempt to walk an eleven hour long path that ends at a shelter but you run into impassable/dangerous snowy section after seven hours ... then you can find yourself in the world of trouble quite soon.

True story: few years ago I had to turn back while walking the path from Tamar to Visoka Ponca (yup) in the first half of September (!!). The snow apparently fell in the night before and made exposed parts of the path quite dangerous already before the summit of Srednja Ponca.
serznoz30. 10. 2018 08:19:06
Ante, I warmly reccomend you to stop thinking about this route this year!
Janez Seliškar30. 10. 2018 08:40:45
Anglomanija je dosegla tudi Slovenske gore.
AnteP1. 11. 2018 16:55:16
I was just asking for some route details. Nobody said this route has to be done now. It will be done one day when the conditions permit, even if this means next summer. Thanks all for the help.
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