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Video / Interesting / Rangiroa | Fakarava | Bora Bora | Dauphins, requins et raies manta | Vacances en Polynésie

Rangiroa | Fakarava | Bora Bora | Dauphins, requins et raies manta | Vacances en Polynésie

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Keywords: Apoutsiak, alpinism, mountaineering, skimo, ski de rando, alpinisme, summit, apoutsiak, plongée, diving, snorkeling, requin, requins, raie manta, manta, raie, dauphin, dauphins, grand dauphin, murène, fakarava, rangiroa, bora, bora bora, pmt, o2 fakarava, dive n smile, yaka plongée, rangiroa plongée, requin baleine, requin pointes noires, requins gris, otemanu, paya, ohue, mata pupu, popoti, kori kori lodge
Video length: 11:51
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