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Video / Interesting / Exploring La Sierra in Ecuador (Vlog 04) | Ingapirca, Cuenca & dressed up Guinea Pigs

Exploring La Sierra in Ecuador (Vlog 04) | Ingapirca, Cuenca & dressed up Guinea Pigs

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Keywords: BackPacker Steve, reise, backpackersteve, steve hänisch, Ecuador (Country), Tourist Destination, things to do in ecuador, things to do, tips, ecuador tips, la sierra, andes, ecuador food, feel again, feel again project, team de, rocket and wink, yukiko, sights ecuador, #feelagaininecuador, Tourism (Interest), Ingapirca (City/Town/Village), things to do in cuenca, ingapirca, quingeo, inka ruins, fiesta del pueblo, guinea pig, cuenca old town, sights cuenca, Cuenca Ecuador
Video length: 05:05
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