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Video / Interesting / 30.12.2020 | preizkus | Rateče | Macesnovec

30.12.2020 | preizkus | Rateče | Macesnovec

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Keywords: All around - prostovoljc, All around, Volontar, Prostovoljc, Menart, Pohodništvo, Vodništvo, Seminarji, Tečaji, GPS, Garmin, navigacija, Mojstrana, Nepal, Himalaja, Lobuche East, Mehra Peack, yalla peak, guiding, education, triglav, kathmandu, PPE, equipment, rent, julian, alps, triglav national park, jalovec, vrsic, julian alps, hiking, guide, UIMLA, IML, mountain leader, mountain, ski, snow, avalanche, snow expert, ECT, CT, PST, ZPVS, združenje, AMLS, k-9, kinologija, rescue dogs, rescue, GRZS, mountain rescue, teching, mountain leaders
Video length: 04:50
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