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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Mozirska koča na Golteh / Žekovec - Mozirska koča na Golteh

Žekovec - Mozirska koča na Golteh

Starting point: Žekovec (500 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3565°N 14,931°E
Time of walking: 2 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 856 m
Altitude difference po putu: 856 m
Map: Savinjska dolina in širša okolica, 1:50 000
Recommended equipment (summer): lamp
Recommended equipment (winter): crampons, lamp
Author: Žiga Šubic
Views: 20.946
 4 people like this post
Number of pictures: 9
Number of comments: 7
Access to the starting point:
Take the Mozirje exit, where you will go round the roundabout in the direction of the "Golte" sign. After a 4 km drive, you will arrive in the village of Žekovec, where you will park at the bottom station of the cable car.
Path description:
From the starting point, return the way you came by car and turn left at the top of the climb (slope), at the sign for Mozirska koča. The tarmac road soon turns to gravel and then the signpost points right into the forest. Follow the well-marked path, which crosses the road (gravel or asphalt) several times. There is also a water spring where you can refresh yourself. After crossing the asphalted road, the path above it leads us to Mozirska koča on Golte.
zemljovid puta - Mozirska koča na Golteh
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Hotel Golte ( 15 min), Javorca (Golte), Boskovec (1 h 5 min)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Žekovec - Mozirska koča na Golteh
Simona915. 07. 2017
Fajna tura sam bolj slab opis
geppo15. 07. 2017
Prav imaš!!cool
Petra517. 09. 2018
Prijeten izlet in gostoljubni oskrbniki. Čudovit dan na Štajerskem.
BananaBronson12. 11. 2018
V nedeljo smo se namenili do Svete Radegunde pod Goltemi. Do tja sicer nismo prišli, smo pa spoznali nekaj štajerskih kolovozov in spotoma nabrali še eno rundo kostanja.
jure197721. 08. 2020
Vceraj iz Žekovca do Mozirske koče in nazaj. Malo nad Planinsko ravno zavijem desno in še malo po lovski poti do koče in po markirani nazaj. Vse pohvale ekipi na koči, ciganski golaž in borovničev zavitek sta bila super.
Upam, da je planinka, ki sem jo srečal malo pod Kebrom, našla pravo pot do koče...
mailman24. 02. 2021
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