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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Zbelovo castle / Zbelovo - Zbelovo castle (by road)

Zbelovo - Zbelovo castle (by road)

Starting point: Zbelovo (267 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,2991°N 15,5264°E
Name of path: by road
Time of walking: 17 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 133 m
Altitude difference po putu: 136 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Author: bruny
Views: 1.585
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 14
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
Zbelovo is easily accessible from Poljčane or Loč at Poljčane. Leave the motorway at Tepanje and take the Draža vas, Žič and Loč to Zbelovo quickly and easily. There are plenty of parking spaces in the village where you can park safely.
Path description:
From the centre of Zbelovo, follow the asphalt road by the fire station and bakery Boč over the bridge over the river Dravinja to the right bank. Almost immediately after crossing the Dravinja, a signpost directs you higher up the asphalt road. In the first part the road passes through a forest, but higher up the world opens up a little by the vineyards. Below the last farmhouse, turn right onto the forest path, which quickly leads to the ruins of the castle. You can walk around the castle at the top, there is a register book and also a table and benches for resting.
zemljovid puta - Zbelovo castle
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