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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Veliki Slomnik / Tremerje - Veliki Slomnik (Tremerje - Veliki Slomnik - Liboje)

Tremerje - Veliki Slomnik (Tremerje - Veliki Slomnik - Liboje)

Starting point: Tremerje (242 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,2019°N 15,2362°E
Name of path: Tremerje - Veliki Slomnik - Liboje
Time of walking: 1 h 35 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 367 m
Altitude difference po putu: 490 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Author: bruny
Views: 5.408
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 41
Number of comments: 7
Access to the starting point:
Tremerje is a settlement between Celje and Zidani Most.
a) From Celje, turn right and there are parking spaces near the signpost. In the opposite direction there is a bridge over the Savinja.
b) From the route of Zidanega Most or Laško, turn left and there are parking spaces near the signpost.
Path description:
From the parking area, we head towards the centre of the village, where St Luke's Church is probably the most important landmark. You can continue along the asphalt road to the Veliki Slomnik turnoff, where the route is marked, or perhaps turn a little lower down onto a well-trodden gravel road along fields and meadows, which rejoins the Veliki Slomnik turnoff before you reach the Veliki Slomnik turnoff. After the turn-off for Veliki Slomnik into the woods, follow the wider hard-surfaced forest road, which climbs steeply and, higher up, becomes a forest track at a small clearing with a cottages a little higher up, on the left. A mountain path soon joins from the right, starting at a cross at the turnoff for Košnica, and a little higher still at the Slomnik crossroads, again from the right, the path from Košnice. Follow the narrower forest path that leads to the summit.
From the top, continue in the direction of the Liboje wall. The viewpoint is soon reached and we are rewarded with an excellent view.
From the Liboje wall, continue down towards the Liboje settlement. At first the path is a little narrower and lower down it becomes a wider path between pine and heather. On the right of the path you can see a pillar of a high tension power line and shortly afterwards a wooden cross on the left of the path. A few metres higher, a crossroads is soon reached. Continue right down direction Liboje while it is straight and higher for Šmohor. Down the path, now a forest road and soon there will be a farmhouse on the left with a varied animal world. Continue downhill along the stream and reach tarmac at the first farmsteads. Left and right along the path, meadows, fields, pastures. . . Continue slightly downhill and soon reach a road junction. A chapel on the other side of the road and the end of the path. You can continue to the left into the centre of Liboje.
The total length of the trail is about 6000 metres, 490 positive elevation metres and 430 negative elevation metres.
zemljovid puta - Veliki Slomnik
On the way: Veliki Slomnik (609m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Kamčič, Hom nad Celjem, Dom na Šmohorju
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Tremerje - Veliki Slomnik (Tremerje - Veliki Slomnik - Liboje)
bistri11. 02. 2024 08:30:59
Ali je že cvetoce resje na Smolniku?
ejti11. 02. 2024 16:45:54
Bila v četrtek. Malo še manjka, ni še v polnem razcvetu.
Mark024. 03. 2024 13:52:23
Mene pa zanima ali je kdo že šel daljšo pot, ki se začne v bližini Levške brvi? Ali gre ta pot čez Brnico ali Hom? Pri sprehodu čez Petriček sem opazil nove planinske table pri odcepu za Brnico, od koder je do Slomnika 2 uri hoje.
garmont26. 03. 2024 18:16:34
Seveda gre pot od Levške brvi na Brnico. V bližini so tudi smerne table. Z Brnice lahko nadaljujete na Hom in s nato krožno vrnete nazaj do brvi.
rozka28. 03. 2024 08:55:53
Ali nadaljujete na Slomnik, se vmes izgubitevelik nasmeh in še vedno lahko naredite krožno, sicer malo daljšo, turcomežikanjejezik
garmont28. 03. 2024 19:30:20
Ti, ti Rozi…velik nasmeh
rozka29. 03. 2024 10:23:12
Hojla "sošolec"jezikvelik nasmeh

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