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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Koča na Vojah / Stara Fužina - Koča na Vojah

Stara Fužina - Koča na Vojah

Starting point: Stara Fužina (600 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,2903°N 13,8868°E
Time of walking: 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 90 m
Altitude difference po putu: 100 m
Map: Triglav 1:25.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 61.838
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Number of pictures: 23
Number of comments: 3
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Lesce exit and follow the road towards Bled and on to Bohinjska Bistrica. Continue towards Bohinjsko jezero (Ribčev laz), at which you will come to a crossroads where you will turn right towards Stara Fužina. At Stara Fužina, at the crossroads by the chapel, turn sharp left onto the ascending road towards mountain pasture Blato, mountain pasture Vogar and the Voja valley. The road leads on to a place where tolls are collected, and we park here in a pay and display parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue right towards the Mostnice riverbeds along a wide path, which will take you to the Devil's Bridge in a few minutes, from which you can get your first view of the riverbeds. At the bridge, turn left onto a minor road, which you follow for a short distance, as the signs for the riverbeds then direct you to the right onto a well-maintained tourist trail. The path ahead soon leads us to the central trough, along which we then climb steeply. During the ascent along the troughs, we come across the "Elephant" markers (a rock hollowed out by water in the shape of an elephant - worth a look). The way forward continues to climb for some time along Mostnica, then turns slightly to the left, where after a few minutes of further walking it leads us to a forest road leading towards the valley of the Voja valley. Follow the road to the right, and it will take you past the NOB monument and quickly lead you to the mountain huts at Voja.
zemljovid puta - Koča na Vojah
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Okrepčevalnica Slap Voje ( 30 min), Slap Mostnice ( 35 min), Koča na Uskovnici (2 h 15 min), Planina Spodnja Grintovica (2 h), Planina Zgornja Grintovica (2 h 15 min), Planina pod Mišelj vrhom (3 h 30 min), Planina Krstenica, Velo polje (4 h), Planina Jezerce (3 h), Vodnikov dom na Velem polju (4 h), Jezerski Stog, Ogradi (4 h 15 min), Vernar (5 h 15 min), Dom Planika pod Triglavom (5 h 30 min), Triglav
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Stara Fužina - Koča na Vojah
GregorD13. 03. 2016
Včeraj smo šli po tej poti, na nekaterih delih je še nekaj snega. Sicer pa super.

Koča odprta petek, soboto in nedeljo.

Majdag22. 03. 2019
Korita Mostnice, Koča na Vojah, slap Mostnice, bila sem tam v sredo, 20. 3. Povsod je bil zjutraj še pomrznjen sneg. Korita so čudovita, nisem pa upala preveč na rob, je drselo. Dolina Voje je prekrasna. Lahko se z avtom pripelje do koče, naprej je dovoljeno le za lastnike zemljišč. Do slapa Mostnice je krožna pot, lepša in krajša je mimo okrepčevalnice. Sprehajaš se po ledeniški dolini Voje. Krasno potepanje, priporočam.nasmeh
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