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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Bele peči (Lepi vrh) / Srednji Vrh - Bele peči (Lepi vrh) (via Železnica)

Srednji Vrh - Bele peči (Lepi vrh) (via Železnica)

Starting point: Srednji Vrh (960 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4894°N 13,8371°E
Name of path: via Železnica
Time of walking: 2 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 966 m
Altitude difference po putu: 966 m
Map: Kranjska Gora 1:30.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 5.240
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 50
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
a) From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice, take the exit Jesenice - West (Hrušica) and continue in the direction of Kranjska Gora. When you reach Gozd-Martuljek, turn right in the direction of Srednji Vrho and follow the narrow and steep road to the above-mentioned place. When the road levels out a bit, you will come to a crossroads of several roads and a turning point. Park in the marked parking lot next to the turning point.
b) Take the Kranjska Gora, then continue driving in the direction of Jesenice. When you arrive in Gozd - Martuljek, first cross the Sava Dolinka river over the bridge, then pay attention to the left forks, as the road to Srednje Vrho soon turns off to the left. Continue along the road, which leads us past a few more houses, and then begins to climb steeply along a relatively narrow road, which leads us past the waterfalls of the Jerman stream. When the road is higher, we arrive at Srednji Vrho, where we park in a marked parking area at the turning point.
Path description:
From the starting point, continue along the left-hand road, which immediately forks. Take the left road (the right road leads over the Hladnik stream towards Lovska koča za Lepim vrhom), which leads us past the Hlebanja farm (dairy products can be bought at the farm) and the chapel to the place where the signs for Techantinger Mittagskogel (on the Trupijevo poldne sign) direct us right to cart track, which first crosses the el. shepherd. Cart track, which offers a fine view of the Martuljek group of mountains, soon turns right and then splits into two parts before entering the forest. Continue along the lower cart track, along which you will see signs for the Alpe Adria Trail, and cart track, after a short crossing, will lead you to the stream Jerman, along which you will then climb. We continue to climb for some time along this stream, crossing it several times with the help of a wide wooden bridge. Higher up, the forest begins to thin out, so that when we look back, we have a nice view towards Špik, and the path also leads us past two huts, which we can see on the left side of the path. During the ascent, the path turns more and more to the right and becomes more sloping, along with the valley of the Jerman stream. As the path becomes even more elevated, we quickly reach a dirt road leading from Korensko sedlo, and we follow it to the right (left Blekova planina, Korensko sedlo. . . ).
The road reaches the area called Železnica, where it also ends or turns into the wider cart track. The cart track climbs through a larch forest and partly through a spruce forest. After about 20 minutes of further walking, when you emerge from the forest into a clearing with a pleasant stream running through it, you will see a hunting lodge on the left, slightly off the path.
Continue straight ahead, following the path which leads you through pleasant meadows, over which the path is less visible. When the path returns to the larch forest, it becomes traceable again, and continues to lead us along the valley between Techantinger Mittagskogel on the left and Bele peči on the right. The larch trees are replaced by dwarf pines and the path leads to the saddle between the two peaks mentioned above.
From the saddle continue straight ahead (left Techantinger Mittagskogel for 10-15 minutes), then immediately at the fallen fence right at the edge of dwarf pines upwards (straight Kresišče, Srednji Vrh over Grajšca, valley of the Belka. . . , slightly right down Srednji Vrh along the valley of the Žlebnica brook). The beautiful passage towards the summit is quickly stopped by the dwarf pines band which we have to cross. After 15 to 20 metres of passing through dwarf pines, we suddenly step onto a nice clearing, which leads us mostly straight up a fairly steep slope. Higher up, the path makes a few small bends and we are on a very scenic peak.
zemljovid puta - Bele peči (Lepi vrh)
On the way: Lovska koča Železnica (1630m)
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Discussion about the trail Srednji Vrh - Bele peči (Lepi vrh) (via Železnica)
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