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Srednje - Globočak

Starting point: Srednje (680 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,1439°N 13,6624°E
Destination: Globočak (809 m)
Time of walking: 35 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 129 m
Altitude difference po putu: 140 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 4.918
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Number of pictures: 25
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
From Nova Gorica go to Tolmin or vice versa, and we follow the road to Ročinj, where the signs for Kambreško direct us left (and right from Tolmin). After 4 km we reach Kambreško, and at the crossroads in the middle of the village we turn right towards Srednje and Livko. We continue along a slightly narrower, but still asphalted road, which soon leads us to the village of Srednje, which is the starting point for our trip. A suitable place to park is a small parking lot next to a cemetery 300 m away.
Path description:
From the cemetery we return to the beginning of the village, where the signs for Globočak direct us to a narrow ascending asphalt road. Follow the road up to a small football field, after which the tarmac road turns left. Just at the beginning of the bend, leave the road and follow the grassy cart track, which continues along the edge of the wood. After a few 10 m, leave also cart track and continue to the right on a marked footpath, which begins to climb first gently and then more moderately through the forest. Higher up, the path descends gently for a short time, then begins to climb more steeply. The steepness quickly subsides and the path leads to the main ridge Globočak, where the path from Kambrešekg joins.
Here we continue to the left and after a minute of further walking we arrive at the forested summit.
From the top you can descend in a few minutes to two nearby caverns.
zemljovid puta - Globočak
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