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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Monte Coppa / Rateče - Monte Coppa

Rateče - Monte Coppa

Starting point: Rateče (865 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4979°N 13,7118°E
Time of walking: 2 h
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 631 m
Altitude difference po putu: 670 m
Map: Kranjska Gora 1:30.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
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Number of pictures: 53
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Access to the starting point:
First we drive to Kranjska Gora, then we continue driving towards Rateče. At the crossroads where the road to Planica turns off to the left and Rateče to the right, continue straight ahead. Take the next crossroads in Rateče, which is located a few 10 m before the petrol station. At the Mojmir restaurant, continue straight ahead and then after 10 m turn sharp left onto the road towards Tromeja. The road then climbs up to the village and we park in a suitable place on the roadside.
Path description:
From the starting point, continue along the road along which you parked, which soon turns quite right and then climbs steeply eastwards. At the view of the Julian Alps peaks, the road gradually becomes more level and leads to a less visible crossroads, where an unmarked path branches off to the left, joining the marked path from Itali higher up.
At this crossroads, which is located before the road enters the forest, turn left and continue along the track, which climbs across a hayfield. Climb along the edge of the forest for a while, then the path widens into cart track, which turns into a forest and leads to the Italian side of the border. From here, walk another 10 steps and then join the marked path from Itali (starting point at Pri Jalnu / Fusine Laghi).
The path continues ascending north-westwards, following an old dirt track which joins the dirt road higher up. Once on the road, take a sharp right and it climbs up a small pass, after which the road branches off to the left towards the summit of Cavalar (aka Cavalarka) / Monte Cavallar, and we continue straight ahead on the road, which begins to descend gently. We descend for some time, and there are numerous warnings along the road that we must not leave the road, otherwise we will be entering private property. After a short descent, the road to Maria Schnee below Gozman / Madonna della Neve (signposted Maria im Schnee) first turns off to the left, and a few metres further on, the road to Monte Coppa (1497 m) turns off to the right.
From the second crossroads, take a sharp right towards Monte Coppa (straight ahead to Ofen (triple)) and continue along the narrower road, which then climbs through the dense forest. Higher up, the road leads past abandoned buildings (buildings from the time of the Rapallo frontier), and a little further on to the statue of the Holy Mother of God. Here the road turns sharp left and then gradually turns into the initially wide cart track. At a fork in the track, a few minutes above the statue of St Mary, turn left and follow the moderately steep cart track. Further on, there are occasional views of the Julian, Carnic and Gailtaler Alps mountains, but the path mostly passes through dense forest. Just below the summit, we reach a few more buildings of the former Rapallo border, and the hitherto rather sparse signposting ends here. Continue along the unmarked cart track, which ends quickly, and from the end of cart track we continue to the right along an indistinct ridge, which takes a few steps to reach the summit of Kope.
zemljovid puta - Monte Coppa
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