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Mountain ranges / Lavanttal Alps / Kapunerhütte / Radlje ob Dravi - Kapunerhütte (via old castle and hut of amateur radio operators)

Radlje ob Dravi - Kapunerhütte (via old castle and hut of amateur radio operators)

Starting point: Radlje ob Dravi (370 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,6164°N 15,2108°E
Name of path: via old castle and hut of amateur radio operators
Time of walking: 2 h 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 633 m
Altitude difference po putu: 700 m
Map: Pohorje - izletniška karta 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): crampons
Views: 184
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 80
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
From the road Dravograd - Maribor, in Radlje ob Dravi, from the crossroads by the Lidl shop, go towards the centre of the settlement and the Radeljski Pass. After the crossroads, go past the Hofer shop and past the road turning off to the left towards St. Trem Kralje, and at the next crossroads turn left towards Austria. Just after the crossroads, take another left and park in the large asphalt parking lot near the Radlje Manor.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue eastwards, where you first carefully cross the main road Radlje ob Dravi - Radeljski prelaz, and on the other side of the road the trail splits into two parts.

You can either continue left along the forest and historical trail Stari grad, or straight ahead along the trim trail. Both paths are well marked and merge higher up in the forest and then cross a few more times, but higher up they follow the same route. Higher up, the trail turns left and goes up a slightly steeper slope, where it is enclosed by a wooden fence, and splits when the fence on the left ends.

Continue straight on (a trim trail, a nature trail and a trail leading to the old castle continue to the sharp right) and a little further on join the wide cart track, which you follow to the left. Once back on the cart track, rejoin the nature trail and the trim trail, and a little further on, the marked European footpath E6 joins from the right.

Further on, finally leave the trim trail and the nature trail and follow the yellow-red markings at the crossroads. A little further on, you reach a dirt road, which you follow to the left, descending gently. The path along the road leads past a pasture and the Majerhof farmhouse, and then the markings from the road direct you slightly right to cart track, from which you go slightly further slightly left, initially on a parallel marked path, which later gradually diverges from cart track. Later, a passage joins another cart track, and a path which leads over a number of streams and which climbs gently to moderately most of the time, leads to a crossroads at which there is a direction sign.

The signs direct us slightly left on a path which descends to the Žohar guesthouse, where there is a stamp, and we continue slightly right, on an unmarked, but for a short time unmarked, path which returns to the marked path above the guesthouse, and is reached at cart track, which we follow to the right. There is a short climb up cart track, then it splits and we continue on the left, which leads us out of the woods onto the hay meadows. Following the cart track, we climb up to the road, which we reach at a marked crossroads by the birch.

Continue right towards Kapunar (Radeljski Pass on the left on the E6 route), and from the wider road soon turn left onto another road, and from it left onto cart track. The path ahead takes us along the pasture, and when we reach Ternik Farm we continue through the farmyard (two loose dogs, which are quite noisy at the time of our visit). Behind the farm, signs lead us to cart track, which climbs up alongside the field, and when we look back, we get a nice view. As you enter the woods, take the wider cart track to the right, where at first there is no sign of a path, but after a few steps it appears and turns into the woods. At forks in the woods follow the waymarks, and higher up you reach a dirt road and follow it to the right. Follow the road out of the forest and, with beautiful views, reach Škarc Farm, where you pass a few houses. After the houses, there is a slight downhill and then you join the normal path leading from Radlje ob Dravi towards Kapunar.

Follow the road straight ahead, and at the next crossroads go slightly left towards Kapunar. It is a relatively long walk along a dirt road, which you follow to a former guardhouse, now used by radio amateurs. From the guardhouse, where the registration box is located, continue sharp left in the direction of hut Kapunerhütte. Continue along the initially winding path, which crosses the slopes to the left, and then climbs crosswise to the western ridge of Kapunar, from where a fine view opens up towards Austria.
Continue left (right peak Kapunar 2 minutes) and descend along the boundary ridge to a small saddle between the two peaks of Kapunar.
From the saddle, where we join a slightly shorter path that ascends the border ridge before the radio-amateurs' hut, continue in the direction of hut Kapunerhütte. From the saddle, initially still walking along the ridge, the path then turns right to the Austrian side and descends in a few minutes to the aforementioned hut.
Radlje ob Dravi - Amateur Radio Hut 1:55, Amateur Radio Hut - Kapunerhütte 0:20.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in 2019 (May) and 2018 (December).
zemljovid puta - Kapunerhütte
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Sveti Pankracij (Radelca), Sveti Urban (Radelca)
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Discussion about the trail Radlje ob Dravi - Kapunerhütte (via old castle and hut of amateur radio operators)
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