Poljana (Završnica) - Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom (by road)
Starting point: Poljana (Završnica) (640 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,4072°N 14,1461°E |
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Name of path: by road
Time of walking: 1 h 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 541 m
Altitude difference po putu: 561 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 21.457
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Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Lesce exit and follow the road towards Žirovnica and Jesenice. After a few km of driving, you will come to a crossroads where the road to Žirovnica turns off to the right (from the route Jesenice to the left). Continue along a slightly narrower road, which you follow at junctions in the direction of Valvasor's Home and Završnice. The road then bends and leads to a crossroads where the road to Valvasor's House branches off to the left. Park in the large parking lot near the aforementioned crossroads.
Path description:
At the end of the parking lot, signs for Valvasor's House direct you to the road on the left, which starts to climb gently. After a few minutes of ascending the road, which passes over a partly scenic grassy slope, a marked footpath branches off to the left, and we continue slightly to the right and continue our ascent on the dirt road. The road soon turns into a dense forest and gradually starts to climb steeper. Higher up, we come to a small crossroads where we take a sharp left (Zabreška planina and Zelenica on the right) and continue our ascent along a slightly steeper road. After about an hour and a half's walk from the starting point, you will reach the next marked crossroads. This time, continue slightly right in the direction of Valvasor's home (slightly left Ajdna and Potoška planina) along the road, which again climbs slightly and after 15 minutes of further walking leads us to Valvasor's home under the Chair.
Discussion about the trail Poljana (Završnica) - Valvasorjev dom pod Stolom (by road)
bo_zl4. 08. 2008 |
No ker ta edini opis govori le o poti po cesti, naj dodam da od parkirišča po nekako 5 minutah pot zavije s ceste levo na travnik, preči potoček in potem kmalu zavije v gozd, po katerem potem hodimo kakšnih 45 minut. Cesto potem ponovno samo prečimo in po poti po 5 miutah dosežemo Valvasorjev dom. Hoje od parkirišča do doma je tako za eno uro in 10 minut.
JusAvgustin9. 12. 2010 |
danes smuknila na VD po cesti s smučkami samo na en kratek sprehod. cesta je na nekaterih delih prav kopna tako, da je bilo potrebno pokazati kar nekaj iznajdljivosti na poti dol. Gor sva šla v totalnem močnem vetru, ki je nosil tone snega, dol pa po pravi ledenici. Tam kjer je sneg napihan se je dalo celo odviti, drugače pa šus od vrhaaaaaaaaaa! Za pot gor sva porabila 1 uro in pol, za dol pa Lpp (ko sva bila na vrhu je posvetil celo sonček in vse se je zjasnilo?!(
ucakakla21. 01. 2024 16:41:50 |
Je to parkirišče brezplačno? Hvala.
bumbi25. 01. 2024 11:41:22 |
Tega parkirišča ni. V bližini je asfaltirano parkirišče s parkomatom, kjer je cena pol evra na uro.
turbo25. 01. 2024 12:09:03 |