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Poklon - Mali Planik

Starting point: Poklon (922 m)
Time of walking: 2 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 343 m
Altitude difference po putu: 400 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 4.722
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 21
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
From Ilirska Bistrica, cross the Jelšane border crossing and drive towards Rijeka. Leave the motorway towards Rijeka at the Jurdani exit and follow the road to Matulji, where signs for Učka point to the right. Follow this road, which climbs quite steeply, to a large parking lot in Poklon.
Path description:
From the parking lot, head towards the mountain lodge at Poklon, which is located on the main road. From the house, walk along the road for about 50m, then turn right after the bridge in the direction of Planik. The forest road quickly leads us up a slight incline to the first crossroads, where we continue along the lower road on the left. After an hour's walk with a few descents and ascents, the road leads us to the next crossroads, where the path from Lipoglava joins us from the left. Continue in the direction of Planika along the road, which gradually passes from the forest to the uncultivated slopes. After about half an hour's walk on the panoramic slopes, the path goes into the forest again, where you reach the next crossroads. Continue along the right-hand road in the direction of the Istrian Mountain Path (IPP). After almost two hours of walking, the road starts to climb steeply. After a good 20 minutes of climbing, you reach a small pass where the trail crossroads (left Veliki Planik, right Mali Planik and straight Korita). Here, continue to the right in the direction of Malý Planik along the path, which climbs at first gently and then moderately through the forest. After a few minutes of climbing, you will emerge from the forest onto the panoramic summit slopes of the mountain. It is a pleasant walk to the summit, which can be reached in a few dozen steps.
zemljovid puta - Mali Planik
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