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Mountain ranges / Škofjeloško, Cerkljansko hribovje and Jelovica / Porezen / Podbrdo - Porezen (via Dom na Poreznu)

Podbrdo - Porezen (via Dom na Poreznu)

Starting point: Podbrdo (515 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,2132°N 13,9717°E
Destination: Porezen (1630 m)
Name of path: via Dom na Poreznu
Time of walking: 3 h 35 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 1115 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1155 m
Map: Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 5.049
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 94
Number of comments: 2
Access to the starting point:
a) First drive to Škofja Loka, then continue to Železniki, Podbrdo and Tolmin. When you arrive in Podbrdo, park in a suitable place in the centre of the town.
b) From the road Idrija - Most na Soči, turn right at Bača pri Modreju, or left if you are coming from the route of Posočje, and drive towards Podbrdo. When you arrive in Podbrdo, park in a suitable place in the centre of the town.
Path description:
From the starting point, continue along the asphalt road towards Tolmin. The path, which runs along a road with no pavement at first, first leads us past the "women's water", a small spring by the roadside. Then you pass under the railway underpass, which comes out of the tunnel under Kobla. After the underpass, the road branches off to the left towards the scattered settlement Porezen (there is a railway station nearby (also a bus station)), and we continue along the main road (we can also continue in the direction of this settlement and join the marked trail a little higher up).
At the crossroads there is also a NOB memorial, and after it the road to Bača pri Podbrdu branches off to the right, and a few steps further on to Trtnik. After the turn-off for Trtnik, a pavement appears along the road, and you continue along it. Walk along the pavement for a few minutes, then turn left at the ecological island and cross the bridge over the river Bača. On the other side of the bridge, continue along the torrential stream, and then cart track turns right before the railway line. A little further on, pass through the underpass to the other side of the railway, where you will see the first mountain direction sign for Porezen. After the signpost, quickly leave the slightly wider cart track and continue left on the narrower cart track (the branch is not marked), along which you are then accompanied by initially sparse markings. In the vicinity of the hunting observation post, which is seen to the left of the path, the path splits again, and we continue on the left one, which continues straight ahead, as the second one turns right just at the crossroads. The path continues into the forest and leads us past a small boulder, which tells us that we are on the right path. From the boulder with the marker, climb through the forest for a short distance before reaching a dirt road, which you follow to the right (at this point you join the road from the railway station in Podbrdo).
Follow the road in a few serpentine ascents below the peak of Štovla, where a short road branches off to the right to a protected water facility, and a few steps further on to a saddle between the peak of Špičnok (1287 m) on the left and the aforementioned Štovla (749 m) on the right.
Behind the saddle, we see an information sign that we are entering the village of Porezen, and we start descending down the road. During the descent, the road leads us past a natural climbing area with overhanging walls and across the Špičnikova grapa stream. After the stream, the road gradually lays down, and then, passing the Štefan homestead, leads us to a small crossroads by the next, this time larger stream. Continue along the right road (on the left the homesteads Matrek and Hejbl) in the direction of Porezno, which ascends crosswise to the next crossroads, where you continue sharp left (straight ahead the homesteads Andrejc, Gašper, Nejc, Torkar, Mlakar. . . ) in the direction of the hut on Porezno. Continue walking along the road, along which the forest is becoming more sparse, or replaced by hayfields higher up, from which we have a beautiful view of the Lower Bohinj Mountains, the mountains above Soriška planina, and in one part also a beautiful view of Porezen.
Leave the road at Porezen 6 and continue left across the meadow towards Porezno. Above the meadow, from which a really nice view of the Lower Bohinj Mountains opens up, the path enters the forest and starts to climb steeply along cart track. Cart track has a couple of forks higher up, where you continue straight on or stick to an undistinguished ridge. When the cart track turns left off the ridge a little higher up, leave the ridge and continue straight up on the marked footpath (the place where you leave cart track is not marked). The footpath soon lays down and leads to a small steel cable, after which it crosses a short steep slope. After crossing, the path returns to an undistinguished ridge and climbs moderately. A small gully is crossed, and the path then begins to climb cross-climbing to the left. After a few minutes' climb, when you reach the western ridge of Porezno, the path from Hudajužna joins from the right.
Continue slightly to the left and after a few steps leave the forest on the top slope of Porezno, where you will reach the next marked crossroads. Here, where the path from Otavnik or Jesenica joins, continue left in the direction of Dom na Poreznu and Petrovega Brda (the sign points in the same direction as the top of Porezna, but continue slightly more to the left). The way ahead leads us past the lone spruce, after which we continue a slight cross-climb below the top of Porezna. A little further on, we cross a pasture fence, and then, with beautiful views of Julian Alps, we reach the bivouac in a few minutes, and a few steps further on to the Mountain Home on Porezn (the last part of the way to Dom na Poreznu is dangerous for slipping in the snow). At the house, continue sharp right and in about 5 minutes cross-climb to the scenic summit of Porezno.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in 2015 (May).
zemljovid puta - Porezen
On the way: Dom na Poreznu mountain hut (1590m)
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Discussion about the trail Podbrdo - Porezen (via Dom na Poreznu)
anovak20. 06. 2015
Opis poti je zelo dober in natančen. Pohvale avtorju. Ob poti raste tudi ogromno gozdnih jagod.
darinka47. 02. 2019
Včeraj prehodili to pot. Sicer v snegu je morda drugače kot poleti. Lepa označena pot. Razgledna. Včeraj se je videlo vse do Kamniških gora. Im Črna prst, Možic Lajnar so bili kar dobro pobeljeni. Le na vršnjem delu je vsaj včeraj kar v redu vleklo. Sicer prav lepa tura v zimskem času, kjer smo srečali le dva pohodnika.
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