Planina Zajavornik - Blejska koča na Lipanci
Starting point: Planina Zajavornik (1292 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,3629°N 13,9491°E |
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Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 338 m
Altitude difference po putu: 338 m
Map: TNP 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 51.711
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Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Lesce and follow the road in the direction of Bled, where you will be directed to the right at the semaphorised crossroads marked for Pokljuka. Follow this road, which in the lower part takes us through a few villages and later starts to climb steeply, to Mrzle Studenec (a mountain located just 50m after the junction where the road to Bohinj branches off to the left). In the middle of the mountain pasture, a road branches off the main road to the right, leading to Medvedova konte, the Pri Rupah monument and mountain pasture Zajavornik. Turn right here and follow the road towards mountain pasture Zajavornik at the following crossroads. The road then leads to a parking area near mountain pasture Zajavornik.
Path description:
From the parking lot, follow the footpath towards Blejska hut. The path, which at first climbs gently through the spruce forest, crosses a forest road a little higher up, after which we are soon joined on the left by the path from the NOB monument (Pri Rupah). The fairly wide path, which is always surrounded by spruce forests, leads us higher up to the next crossroads, where we continue to the left in the direction of Lipance (to the right Medvedova konta). The ascent continues along the very wide cart track, which leads us in a slight climb to the mountain pasture grazing area of Lipanca in a few minutes. Here the path turns right and leads us in a moderate ascent along the right-hand lower edge of the above-mentioned mountain pasture. This is followed by crossing a grassy slope and the path which leads us back into the forest makes a sharp right turn at the NOB memorial plaque, after which we come to the shepherd's and mountain huts at mountain pasture Lipanca.
Discussion about the trail Planina Zajavornik - Blejska koča na Lipanci
dm&hp30. 06. 2006 |
Lep izlet, primeren tudi za bolj lene otroke.
Guest4. 03. 2007 |
Odličen izlet v jasnem zimskem vremenu.V jasni noči proti koči, drugi dan pa zgodaj na Debelo peč in Brda.Fantastično kratko in enostavno!
Guest5. 03. 2007 |
Se strinjam. Včeraj je bil prelesten dan na Debeli peči. Razgeledi pa takiiiiii, da mi je žal bilo iti domov. Še veliko takih dni vsem, ki radi uživamo v gorah tudi pozimi.
Guest9. 02. 2008 |
Vprašanje. Ali je koča odprta v tem času? Lp,tina
Guest9. 02. 2008 |
Blejska koča je v zimskem času odprta ob sobotah, nedeljah in praznikih.
Guest9. 02. 2008 |
Po podatkih na spletni strani PZS je koča oskrbovana stalno. Lansko zimo sem bila gor tudi med tednom in je bil ričet neizmerno dober. Torej: koča je bila odprta. Srečno!
KJ11. 01. 2018 |
Živjo, se je kdo slučajno vozil po cesti od Mrzlega studenca te dni? Je zasnežela ali je ledena? Hvala,
skalar5024. 01. 2018 |
po cestah, ki krajšajo pot do Blejske koče oz. višje so tačas prepovedni znaki gozdarjev (spravilo lesa).V današnjem soncu kar živahno do koče pa tudi višje naravnost in desno ... kar nekaj nas je bilo s turnimi ... suh, zbit in po vrhovih tudi napihan sneg...
miamia26. 05. 2020 |
Pretekli vikend je bilo možno v koči naročiti le ričet, joto (s klobaso) in potico. Ko smo prišli na vrsto, pa še ričeta ni bilo več.... Za joto smo dali 8 eur, plastenko ledenega čaja pa 3 eur. Ne vem, ali so povsod po kočah podražili hrano in pijačo, ali je samo tukaj dražje??
Snowfreak28. 07. 2023 17:13:48 |
Zdravo! Je situacija v koči še vedno enaka, kot jo opisujete v komentarjih iz leta 2020 in nazaj? Hvala!
Toni-k29. 07. 2023 09:36:11 |
Bili tam prejšnji ponedeljek,,,imeli jesprenj in fizolovo juho,,,izgovor ,da so šli v nabavo Bili v času kosila