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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Natural window Bohorsko okno / Planina pri Sevnici - Natural window Bohorsko okno

Planina pri Sevnici - Natural window Bohorsko okno

Starting point: Planina pri Sevnici (588 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,10116°N 15,41185°E
Time of walking: 2 h 5 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 295 m
Altitude difference po putu: 455 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 202
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Number of pictures: 44
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Access to the starting point:
a) Drive to Sevnica (to get here from Radeče, Mokronogo or Krško), then take the road in the direction of Planina pri Sevnici. When you reach the Petrol station located near Planina pri Sevnici, turn right in the direction of Montpreis and park in the large asphalt parking lot next to the cemetery just after the intersection.
b) Drive to Šentjur (to get here from Celje, the Štajerska motorway exit Dramlje or Šmarij pri Jelšah), then follow the signs for Kozje and Mountain pasture near Sevnica. At the end of Šentjur go right towards Planina pri Sevnici (slightly left Kozje and Podsreda). Continue mostly uphill, then when the road levels out and you see a Petrol station on the right hand side, located in the immediate vicinity of Planina pri Sevnici, go left towards Montpreis and then just after the crossroads park in the cemetery parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot, return to the main road and head towards Sevnica from the nearby crossroads. For about 20 minutes, we descend along the edge of the main road, which offers beautiful views of the surrounding hills, and then we reach the village of Stara Žaga, where signs direct us to the left onto a side road. The way forward climbs past a few houses and arrives at a marked crossroads where the marked path splits.
Continue along the road in the route Koča na Bohorju (right Skalica), which becomes macadam at the end of the settlement and leads us into the gorge of the Belega potok. Higher up, the road makes two serpentines, and from the junction after the second serpentine go left. Continue up the road for a while, and then, when the road turns right, continue left along the stream, where a short steep section is helped by a rope (there is a greater risk of slipping, especially in wet conditions and if it is frosty). A little further on we are helped by another rope, and then we climb crosswise to the saddle north of Kamný vrh (833 m), where we return to the road and where there is a marked crossroads.
A sharp left fork leads to the partisan hospital, a path on the left leads to the eastern part of Bohor, and we continue straight ahead along the marked road in the route Koča na Bohorju. Continue along the dirt road, which leads us a little further to the next crossroads.
This time we continue sharp left (if we continue straight we can reach Hunting lodge Bohor and the saddle between Veliki and Mali Javornik) and continue our ascent along the road that leads us through the forest. There is a longer cross-climb to the left, and when you reach the pass between Koprivnik on the left and Veliki Javornik on the right, you arrive at a marked crossroads.
Continue straight on in the route Koča na Bohorju (Koprivnik on the left, Veliki Javornik on the right) and continue along the road as it begins to descend, and after a few minutes the path leading over the top of Koprivnik joins us from the left. Continue straight ahead and follow the road to the next marked crossroads.
Leave the road here and head right towards Petrova skala (left Podsreda, Senovo - over Reštanj), Plištanj and Rudnica, straight Koča na Bohorju - 1 minute and Senovo), where you walk along a path that goes up the slope. The path ahead leads past a turn-off to a natural window, and then after a few steps we arrive at Petrova skala, from which we have a beautiful view.
In front of Peter's Rock, continue left downhill towards the window. A few minutes of steep downhill will take you to the natural Bohorská window.
Planina pri Sevnici - Stara Žaga 0:20, Stara Žaga - Petrova skala 1:40, Petrova skala - window 0:05.
Description and pictures refer to March 2022.
zemljovid puta - Natural window Bohorsko okno
On the way: Doropolje (568m), Stara Žaga (518m), Škofov križ (923m), Škofov travnik (910m), Petrova skala na Bohorju (913m)
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