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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Koča na Planini pri Jezeru / Planina Blato - Koča na Planini pri Jezeru

Planina Blato - Koča na Planini pri Jezeru

Starting point: Planina Blato (1147 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3112°N 13,8501°E
Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 306 m
Altitude difference po putu: 306 m
Map: Triglav 1:25.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 84.220
 7 people like this post
Number of pictures: 14
Number of comments: 8
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Lesce exit and follow the road towards Bled and on to Bohinjska Bistrica. Continue towards Bohinjsko jezero (Ribčev laz), at which you will come to a crossroads where you will turn right towards Stara Fužina. At Stara Fužina, at the crossroads by the chapel, turn sharp left onto the ascending road towards mountain pasture Blato, mountain pasture Vogar and the Voja valley. The road continues to the place where the toll and parking fees are collected, and we follow it to the next crossroads, where we continue to the left (right Voje). We then follow the road to the next crossroads (we drive for some time), where we take a sharp right in the direction of mountain pasture Blato (straight ahead mountain pasture Vogar). Follow this road to the parking lot above mountain pasture Blato.
Path description:
From the marked parking lot at mountain pasture Blato go back a few 10 steps, then take the wide and initially quite steep cart track in the direction of mountain pasture at Jezero. After 10 minutes of relatively steep ascent, you reach a marked crossroads where you continue along the left steep cart track (straight mountain pasture in Laz), only to be joined a little higher by the marked path with mountain pasture Vogar. Continue along the wide, partly stony cart track, which is crossable at a higher level and then climbs steeply through a small hairpin bend. Just ahead, the path bends sharply to the left and leads into a cold valley called Pungrat, where it crosses an abandoned pasture fence. The path ahead starts to climb steeply again, then turns to the right and lays completely flat. Just a few metres further on, we join the path with mountain pasture Vodični vrh on our left, and we continue straight on and after 5 minutes of further walking we arrive at mountain pasture near Jezero, in the middle of which stands a mountain hut.
zemljovid puta - Koča na Planini pri Jezeru
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Planina Blato (6 h), Črno jezero (1 h 40 min), Dom na Komni, Planina Lopučnica, Planina Dedno Polje ( 30 min), Planina v Lazu (1 h), Planina Viševnik, Planina Ovčarija (1 h 15 min), Koča pri Triglavskih jezerih, Pršivec, Rigeljc (2 h), Stadorski Orliči (2 h), Vrtec (2 h), Visoka glava (1 h 30 min), Kovačičeva glava (1 h 30 min), Jezero v Ledvicah (3 h 15 min), Rušnata glava (1 h 50 min), Bela glava (2 h), Zeleno jezero (3 h 40 min), Vrh nad Vodeno Rupo (2 h), Rjavo jezero (3 h 45 min), Kreda (2 h 20 min), Zasavska koča na Prehodavcih, Mala Tičarica, Slatna (2 h), Velika Tičarica (2 h 50 min), Koča na Doliču (4 h 15 min), Prvi Vogel (3 h), Kopica (3 h 30 min), Srednji Vogel (3 h), Čelo, Mala Zelnarica, Malo Špičje (5 h), Velika Zelnarica (3 h 30 min), Zadnji Vogel (3 h 15 min), Veliko Špičje, Morbegna (5 h 55 min), Glava v Zaplanji (6 h), Kanjavec (4 h 45 min), Triglav (6 h 45 min)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama
Planina Blato - Koča na Planini pri Jezeru1
Planina Blato - Koča na Planini pri Jezeru2
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Planina Blato - Koča na Planini pri Jezeru9
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Discussion about the trail Planina Blato - Koča na Planini pri Jezeru
velkavrh1. 08. 2008
Bil danes tu na poti k koči Pri Triglavskih jezarih.Izredna lega koče nad jezerom.Res lep izlet za dopoldan ali popoldan. Ne dolga in ne naporna pot.Primerna je tudi za manjše otroke.Zelo priporočam!
velkavrh6. 08. 2009
Tudi letos bil tu na poti proti vršacem nad dolino Triglavskih jezer.Do sem je res prijeten izlet.Prijetno je posedeti pri koči in si naročiti recimo kak sok,da ne bom delal reklame za kaj drugega.
agrabeljsek18. 08. 2010
pred več kot 30 leti sem tam pustil kar veliko koncev tedna . Ni mi žal. Posebno lepi so bili januarski pohodi na Planino pri jezeru--v staro kočo pred požarom. Še vedno je kak od takrat postavljen drog za table . Lepo je tam.
Taja6. 09. 2010
Štiri čudovite dni smo preživeli na Planini,naužili smo se planinskega raja po Fužinskih planinah, divjega razgleda iz Male Tičarice in adrenalinskega vzpona na Ograde čez Lazovški preval. Vse to pa smo ob večerih podoživljali ob omamnem vonju iz kuhinje, v družbi prijaznega, dobrovoljnega,ustrežljivega oskrbnika in nnjegove harmonike, v topli,urejeni, izredno čisti koči.Enkratni ste, vsi trije, čim dalj ostanite v naših hribih, vsaka koča bi vas bila vesela.
Maks pa naj ostane kar v dolini, saj vsega lepega in pozitivnega v hribih ne občuti!
andrejp27. 05. 2015
+386 51 632 738 (samo v sezoni)
Rokovnjacica30. 08. 2017
Kdaj pa se koča zapre? Ali je izven sezone odprta tudi ob koncih tedna?
turbo30. 08. 2017
Pozimi je koča zaprta, imaš pa na voljo zimsko sobi, ki je takrat odprta:
pojoča travica28. 05. 2018
PD LPP sporoča, da bo Koča na Planini pri Jezeru odprla svoja vrata 2.6.2018. Dobrodošli!
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