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Mountain ranges / Pohorje, Dravinjske gorice and Haloze / Ostruščica / Mislinjski graben (Pestotnik) - Ostruščica

Mislinjski graben (Pestotnik) - Ostruščica

Starting point: Mislinjski graben (Pestotnik) (846 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4674°N 15,2694°E
Time of walking: 2 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 652 m
Altitude difference po putu: 652 m
Map: Pohorje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 1.260
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 43
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
First, drive to Mislinja (to get here from Slovenj Gradec or Velenje), then continue driving in the direction of Mislinjske Jark. When Mislinja ends, the road continues along the Mislinja River. Higher up, at the confluence of the Glažuta and Mislinja, there is a crossroads at which you park. The Pestotnik homestead is located slightly above the confluence, and there is a small dam in front of the crossroads. In summer and when there is no snow, you can continue on and shorten the route as you wish.
Path description:
From the confluence, continue along the right-hand road, which continues to climb along the Mislinja River. After a few 10 metres, the road to the left branches off to the Pestotnik homestead, and we continue straight ahead and continue to climb moderately. Higher up, we reach the next, this time marked, crossroads, from where we continue straight on in the direction of Roga and the Commission (the right road leads to Tolste Vrh nad Mislinjo). Shortly after the crossroads, the road turns sharp left and gradually moves away from the river Mislinja, and a little higher up leads out of the forest to Spodnja Komisija, where there is a crossroads by some houses, from which you continue right (straight towards Glažut). Spodnja Komisija soon ends, and the road continues to climb crosswise to the right. At the left turn, the PP7 trail joins us from the right, and we follow the road to the former shepherd's village Zgornja Komisija, where we also leave the wider macadam road and continue right, on the narrower road that leads through the village to the last house.
From the last hut, where there is also a water trough, follow cart track into the forest. After a short climb, cart track splits, and we take the top left cart track (straight ahead Waterfall Lukov slap for 5 minutes). There are a couple of forks, where we follow the signs for PP7, and then we reach the dirt road, which we left at Zgornja Komisija. Follow the road for some 10 paces to the right, and then the PP7 trail signs direct you to the left, to cart track, which takes you out of the sparse forest onto a partly grassy plateau. The gently sloping path, which leads us further along the gently sloping meadows, is then followed all the way to a marked crossroads, where we reach the marked path Rogla - Lovrenška jezera. At the point where we reach the above-mentioned path, we have also reached Ostruščica (1498 m).
Description and pictures refer to the situation in 2016 (November).
zemljovid puta - Ostruščica
On the way: Spodnja Komisija (1080m), Zgornja Komisija (1230m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Ribniško jezero, Ribniška koča, Rogla ( 30 min), Lovrenška jezera, Jezerski vrh
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, Inscription book
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Mislinjski graben (Pestotnik) - Ostruščica39
Mislinjski graben (Pestotnik) - Ostruščica40
Mislinjski graben (Pestotnik) - Ostruščica41
Mislinjski graben (Pestotnik) - Ostruščica42
Mislinjski graben (Pestotnik) - Ostruščica43
Discussion about the trail Mislinjski graben (Pestotnik) - Ostruščica
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