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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Gradišče (at Griže) / Migojnice - Gradišče (at Griže) (circular path)

Migojnice - Gradišče (at Griže) (circular path)

Starting point: Migojnice (273 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,23144°N 15,1693°E
Name of path: circular path
Time of walking: 30 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 68 m
Altitude difference po putu: 68 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Author: kkac
Views: 795
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 19
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
From the A1 motorway, take exit Žalec. Do the same when you reach the roundabout. Drive past the Arnovski gozd (Arnov Forest) craft zone. When you get near Žalec, turn left at the junction, then take the first exit at the roundabout. We are already in Žalec. Before Spar and Mercator, turn left (sign Griže) onto the road overpass above the railway line. Go straight ahead to the next crossroads at the vulcaniserie. Turn left again (signpost Griže). When you leave Žalec, go straight across the bridge over the Savinja. You will soon arrive in Migojnice. Turn left at the first crossroads. Go through the village to the bus stop. Park at the bottom of hill Gradiše in a suitable place. It is not difficult to miss the hill and the church, because the view follows us from Žalec onwards.
Path description:
From the parking place at the cross, continue on foot along the road on the right. When you reach the crossroads, turn right again (the lower road). Pass the houses and climb slightly to the next crossroads. Turn left here. After the last slight climb, you will reach the parking lot under the church and the last residential house. Turn left and after a few metres reach the top of Gradiše, where the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes is situated.
The locals call the hill the Lourdes of Savinja.
Besides the church, there is also a church house and a fountain where you can take a drink. All around the hill you can enjoy a beautiful view of the vineyard and the surrounding hills. In very fine weather, the peaks of the Kamnik - Savinja Alps are visible.
You can return along the same route or take the circular route. If you choose the latter, turn left at the parking lot onto the macadam forest road. After a few hundred metres, you will pass a vineyard cottage. A little further on leads to the Daca company. From here, follow the road straight down to the crossroads, where you turn left. After a few hundred metres, we reach the last crossroads, where we join the road we came up. Turn right, take a few more steps and shortly after the bend you will see your starting point. A little more and we are back at the car.
zemljovid puta - Gradišče (at Griže)
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