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Mesnice - Županov vrh

Starting point: Mesnice (806 m)
Lat/Lon: 45,9066°N 14,4311°E
Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 193 m
Altitude difference po putu: 193 m
Map: Ljubljana - okolica 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 2.189
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Number of pictures: 36
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Access to the starting point:
a) From the Ljubljana - Koper motorway, take the Brezovica exit, then continue in the direction of Podpeč (Podpeč can also be reached from Črna vas or Ig). In Podpeč, continue in the direction of Borovnica, Krimo and Rakitna, and continue along the edge of the Ljubljana Moor for a short distance, then the signs for Rakitna direct you left onto a steeply ascending road. The road then leads through Preserje, where it also begins to descend. After a short descent, continue left in the direction of Krimo and Rakitna, and we then follow the mostly ascending road to a junction where the road to Krimo branches off to the left. There is plenty of space to park at the junction.
b) First take Cerknica, then continue in the direction of Begunje, and when you arrive in Begunje follow the signs for Rakitno. From Rakitna, continue along the main road towards Preserje, and follow it to the crossroads where the road to Krimo branches off to the right. There is plenty of space to park at the junction.
Path description:
From the starting point, continue along the macadam road in the direction of Krima, which is 8 km away according to the signs. The road quickly turns from scrub to forest and climbs relatively gently, first on the slopes of Reber Peak (923 m) and then on the slopes of Županov vrh (999 m). After about half an hour's walk, you reach a long left turn, where you almost imperceptibly cross the upper part of the forested Lepe Valley. From this turn, along the road, along which we have seen only a few old, partly faded markings since the starting point, we reach a marked crossroads, where the markers for Rakitna direct us to the right (straight on along the Krim road) to the ascending footpath, which continues through the forest. After a short climb, step on the fork cart track and follow it to the right. The folded cart track continues along an undistinguished valley between Rotovc (964 m) on the left and Županov vrh (999 m) on the right. A few minutes further on, cart track splits into two parts, a more prominent and marked left cart track and a less prominent unmarked right cart track.
From this crossroads, continue along the fainter right-hand cart track, which is usually flanked by the smaller cairn. The old, barely traceable cart track turns slightly to the right a little further on and turns into an initially less traceable path, which is joined by a path from the saddle (the path from Rakitna over the saddle) on the indistinct ridge Županov vrh. From here onwards, the path is more easily traceable and also reasonably well beaten. The trail is a bit steeper and leads through an occasionally more sparse forest, which, like most other forests in Slovenia, was slightly affected by the hailstorm at the beginning of February 2014. Just below the summit, while we are still in the forest, the trail splits into two parts again. Continue left over a small pasture fence and after a few steps you will emerge from the forest onto the vast Županov vrh. The highest point is just in front of the antenna tower, which you can see when you leave the forest, and there is a trigonometric point on top of it (the top). As the summit is vast, you have to walk a little on the top to get a view of the different sides.
zemljovid puta - Županov vrh
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Rotovc ( 15 min)
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