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Mountain ranges / Biokovo and Dalmatia / Vošac / Makarska (Makar) - Vošac

Makarska (Makar) - Vošac

Starting point: Makarska (Makar) (7 m)
Destination: Vošac (1422 m)
Time of walking: 3 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 1415 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1435 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Author: vibor
Views: 7.335
 4 people like this post
Number of pictures: 0
Number of comments: 1
Access to the starting point:
Description in Croatian:
From Split by magistralnom cestom u centar Makarska to the main square.
Path description:
Description in Croatian:
From Makarska via Makar i Vrba approx. 4 sata - the route from Kačićeva trg u Makarskoj to the place of the old grinding mill. the marking leads through the castle to the Makar turn-off (40 min) and onda well-gromed stazom at the beginning with a small but very narrow serpentine path to "Vrba" (40 min), where a cistern with water is found, momentalno van funkce to jest bez vode. From Vrba, the lagon is mainly pine-shaded to the so-called "Kruska" (40 min), where there is usually little pause and enjoyment in the view. On Kruska there is also a shelter, and water markings are on the left (north-west) of Velikom Brdu and on the right (south-east) of Kotišna. Sa Kruške pravo opet serpentinama do prevoj Malog Vošca i dalje do Štrbina (vidikovca). From Štrbine, follow the marker through the Mountain House under Vošć and the large stone drainage to the summit.
zemljovid puta - Vošac
We recommend: similar trips, panorama
Discussion about the trail Makarska (Makar) - Vošac
postojim29. 05. 2012
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