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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Koča na Naravskih ledinah / Leše - Koča na Naravskih ledinah (via Kot pri Prevaljah)

Leše - Koča na Naravskih ledinah (via Kot pri Prevaljah)

Starting point: Leše (537 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,5304°N 14,9034°E
Name of path: via Kot pri Prevaljah
Time of walking: 2 h 40 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 535 m
Altitude difference po putu: 615 m
Map: Koroška 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
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Access to the starting point:
From Mežica, Border crossing Holmec or Raven na Koroškem, drive to Prevalje, from where you continue to the village of Leše. When you arrive in Leše, take a sharp left in the direction of Uršlja gora, then park in the parking lot near the branch primary school.
Path description:
From the starting point, continue in the direction of Uršlja gora, Naravskih ledin and KPP (Koroška planinska pot) and initially walk along the asphalt road, which leads us past a few houses. From the asphalt road, soon turn right onto the macadam road in the direction of Uršlja gora and Pačnik and Streha. At the last house, turn left onto cart track, which begins to climb over a meadow. At a higher altitude, you reach another dirt road, which you follow to the left, passing individual farmsteads, and at the crossroads follow the signs for KPP or Nature's Ledine.
At the Pečnik farm, continue straight on, and at the next farm, Ravnjak, go slightly right on the marked cart track. Cart track first crosses a meadow with a view, but when it turns into a forest, it starts to descend crosswise and soon reaches a macadam road, which you follow upwards. The road soon turns left to cross the Barbarski graben stream, where the H₂O ranch can be seen on the left, and a few steps further on, the marked trail branches off to the right. Continue on the signed cart track, which returns to the road higher up and makes a left serpentine. After the serpentine, the path leads us over a steep and scenic slope, from which we have a beautiful view towards Huhnerkogel and Golica. The road then leads us past the Vranske peči climbing centre and the trail branch to the Suška bajta bivouac, and then, shortly after crossing the torrent, we leave it and continue on the marked trail. Then climb through the forest, crossing the smaller cart track, and when you reach cart track for the second time, follow it to the left. The slope here flattens out and after crossing a pasture fence we enter a pasture where the track disappears and we continue along the left edge of the forest. After the hunting observation post, the path turns slightly left and climbs to Obretanovo, where there are several buildings, including the Obretanovo Scout House of the Carinthian Steelworkers.
Continue along the road, which leads to a marked crossroads after the barrier, and we take the second path to the right, to a path that ascends and does not descend, and alongside it we see the sign Godec. The way ahead leads us without major ascents and descents, but quickly leads us to a road where the path forks, and the crossroads is not particularly marked. Continue right along the forest road (straight on the ascending cart track farm Godec and Uršlja gora over Kozji hrbet), from which the signs for the Nature Ledine soon direct you left up onto the footpath, where you then follow the signs. When walking on the cart track, which crosses the slopes, before it ends, you must continue down to the right and then cross the slopes on the mountain path. There is a short crossing of steeper slopes, and then descend the log steps back to the forest road (you can also walk on the forest road up to this point). The road, from which we get a temporary view, is soon left again and we continue left on the path, which "cuts" a slightly longer bend in the road over a small hill.
Just before we return to the road, which we continue to cross, we are joined on the left by the marked path from Raven na Koroškem. On the other side of the road, we continue through the forest for a short distance, and then the path leads us along the lower part of the meadow, where we join the path from Žerjav.
From the crossroads, continue along the right-hand edge of the meadow, and after 5 minutes of moderate ascent, walk to the Cottage on the Naravski Lediny.
zemljovid puta - Koča na Naravskih ledinah
On the way: Kot pri Prevaljah (688m), Taborniški dom roda koroških jeklarjev Obretanovo (1040m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Dom na Uršlji gori, Uršlja gora (Plešivec) (1 h 45 min)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Leše - Koča na Naravskih ledinah (via Kot pri Prevaljah)
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