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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Hum above Laško / Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško (on west ridge)

Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško (on west ridge)

Starting point: Laško (at Tabor Castle) (299 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,1573°N 15,2374°E
Name of path: on west ridge
Time of walking: 35 min
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way
Altitude difference: 284 m
Altitude difference po putu: 284 m
Map: Posavsko hribovje zahodni del 1:50000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Author: SB72
Views: 10.350
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 15
Number of comments: 4
Access to the starting point:
a) From the motorway Ljubljana - Maribor, take the exit Celje - centre, then continue to Laško and Zidane Most. When you get to Laško, at the traffic lights opposite the Hum motel and the Špica pizzeria, turn left over the bridge, then right on the priority road, then 2x left and immediately right again into Kidričeva cesta, here you will see signs for the Tabor Castle, which you will also follow on the road to Svetina, and when you are going uphill, another sign for the castle points you to the left, and then you will drive another 300 m to the parking lot at the castle.
b) From Zasavje or Posavje, drive to Zidani Most or Rimske Toplice, then continue to Celje. When you reach Laško, turn right at the traffic lights opposite the Hum Motel and the Špica pizzeria over the bridge, and then do the same as in a).
Path description:
From the parking lot, go to the signpost marking the circular route and follow the path through the bushes into the forest. After 5 minutes, a path branches off to the left to Blaževa skala (Blaževa skala), we go right up steeply, first straight ahead, then in the keys to a neat information board with information about mountain flowers. Continue on, after a few minutes you reach the Prižnica lookout point and after a few more minutes another lookout point, Divji Farovž. Both of them offer a beautiful view to the north. The path then turns away from the edge, crosses over to the south-west side and soon we find ourselves at the cross just below the summit. The path is secured by a rope, although it is hardly considered difficult, and from the cross we then find ourselves at the top in 3 minutes, where there is a sign with the inscription Hum, a registration box, and a little further on a small table and bench.
zemljovid puta - Hum above Laško
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, Inscription book
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Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško6
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško7
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško8
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško9
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško10
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško11
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško12
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško13
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško14
Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško15
Discussion about the trail Laško (at Tabor Castle) - Hum above Laško (on west ridge)
Hribolazec8121. 05. 2017
A ni tudi možnost direkt iz Jagoč iti gor da pot malo podaljšamo?
skokec24. 08. 2018
Pri thermani,čez savinjo je ob asfaltni poti žegnan studenec. Tam blizu je steza v pobočje..teško je zgrešiti.
Lapuh20727. 04. 2022 22:02:19
Danes tu gor; grozila ploha, a ostal suh. Na vrhu posijalo malo sonca, tik preden je zatonilo v oblake. Res lepi razgledi, vse zeleno. Blagor mestecu s takim kucljem pred vrati nasmeh
Enka8. 12. 2023 12:58:31
Včeraj prvič na Hum po tej poti. Moram priznati, da me je očarala! Vzorno urejena in označena, z lepimi razgledi, fino strma ter zavarovana z zajlo povsod, kjer je potrebno (bi pa povsod šlo v suhem tudi brez). Tehnično pot ni zahtevna, nekoliko izziva zaradi strmine, ki ne popušča, bi lahko prestavljala le tistim brez kondicije mežikanje
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