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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Topitza / Koprivna (Kumer) - Topitza

Koprivna (Kumer) - Topitza

Starting point: Koprivna (Kumer) (1172 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4903°N 14,7284°E
Destination: Topitza (1649 m)
Time of walking: 2 h 10 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 477 m
Altitude difference po putu: 500 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
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Number of pictures: 56
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Access to the starting point:
a) First, drive to Luce (to get here from Kamnik via the Volovjek Pass (Kranjski Rak) or from the Štajerska motorway and pass Mozirje and go through Ljubno ob Savinji), then continue driving in the direction of the Logarska dolina. When you reach Solčava, leave the main road and turn right towards Črna na Koroškem. Continue along the ascending road, following it at the junctions in the direction of Črna na Koroškem and the Spodnje Sleme pass. From the pass onwards the road starts to descend and we follow it to where it joins the Črna na Koroškem - Koprivna road. Here we continue left, then at the next crossroads about 1 km further on we turn right towards the mountain lodge on the Kumer farm. Continue along the Koprivna stream, following the road to a crossroads where the road to the aforementioned house branches off sharp left, the road continues straight on towards mountain pasture Luža, and the marked mountain trail to Peca branches off to the right (the latter also initially runs along the road). Park in a suitable place along the road. Continue along the road. Continue along the road.
b) From Koroška, first drive to Črna na Koroškem, then continue to Podpeca and Koprivna. At the junction where the road to Podpeca branches off to the right, continue slightly to the left, and also at the next junction where the road to the Tople valley branches off to the right. Continue along the Meži river for a while, and then first arrive at the junction where the road to the left branches off towards the Spodnje Sleme pass, and then onwards towards the Logarska dolina. Continue straight ahead here, and then at the next crossroads, about 1 km further on, turn right towards the mountain lodge on the Kumer farm. Continue along the Koprivna stream, following the road to a crossroads where the road to the aforementioned house branches off sharply to the left, the road continues straight on towards mountain pasture Luža, and the marked mountain path to Pec (which also initially runs along the road) branches off to the right. Park in a suitable place along the road. Continue along the road. Continue along the road until the road ends.
c) First drive to Šoštanj, then continue along the winding road to Črna na Koroškem. At Črna na Koroškem turn left towards Podpeca and Koprivna. At the junction where the road to Podpeca branches off to the right, continue slightly to the left, and also at the next junction where the road to the right branches off into the Tople valley. Continue along the Meži river for a while, then first arrive at the junction where the road to the left branches off towards the Spodnje Sleme pass and on towards the Logarska dolina. Continue straight ahead here, and then at the next crossroads, about 1 km further on, turn right towards the mountain lodge on the Kumer farm. Continue along the Koprivna stream, following the road to a crossroads where the road to the aforementioned house branches off sharply to the left, the road continues straight on towards mountain pasture Luža, and the marked mountain path to Pec (which also initially runs along the road) branches off to the right. Park in a suitable place along the road. Continue along the road.
Path description:
From the starting point, continue straight ahead, following the road as it climbs parallel to the nearby stream. The way forward takes us past the Blessed Well and, slightly higher up, the cart track turnoff to St Anne. Higher up, the road makes a sharp left turn, along which there are information boards, but we leave it just at this point and continue straight on the worse road, which only a little further on crosses the national border. Once in Austria, we continue along the minor road for a short distance before joining a wider dirt road, which takes us within a few minutes to the central part of the mountain pasture Luža.
From the shepherd's hut, walk to the second part of mountain pasture, and continue straight ahead at the crossroads (right Peca - Austrian route). The road then climbs a little more and then passes a ramp to a small crossroads, where you join the wider road leading from Globasnitz to Železna Kapla / Bad Eisenkappel. Follow the road to the left and it climbs for a short distance before gradually descending. The road continues past the Church of All Faiths, and we follow the road, which has since become tarmac, to the Riepl Inn.
At the inn, we turn right onto a macadam road, and yellow signposts direct us to the road. The road first climbs gently over a grassy slope, then passes into the woods, where after a few minutes' walk the signs direct us to the right onto a footpath. The path continues through dense coniferous forest on a path that is lined with numerous needles, allowing for a pleasantly soft walk. A little higher up, the path bends and leads to a larger clearing where you can see an animal feeding area. Only a few 10 steps further on, we leave the wide cart track and continue our ascent along the marked mountain path, which starts to climb moderately along the edge of the forest. Higher up, the path leads to a ridge, where it turns to the left and lays completely flat. The way forward takes us past a hunting observation post and continues along the ridge, following a relatively fresh clearing. After a few minutes of easy walking, the path turns to the right and starts to climb steeply along the edge of the very steep western slopes of Topica. Higher up, the path gently slopes down to partly unploughed slopes, which offer a fine view, especially to the south. As you climb up this slope, you will see a salt pan, and the path turns left just above it. A few minutes' ascent to the left and the path leads to a crossroads where the path from the valley of the Lobnik stream joins us. Here, continue to the right and after a few minutes of further walking, you will reach the top of Topica.
zemljovid puta - Topitza
On the way: Planina Luža (1250m), Pod Peco / Koprein - Petzen (1280m)
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