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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Sveta Ana (Tunjice) / Kamnik - Sveta Ana (Tunjice)

Kamnik - Sveta Ana (Tunjice)

Starting point: Kamnik (378 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,2293°N 14,6096°E
Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 97 m
Altitude difference po putu: 130 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 7.300
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 28
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
a) From Komenda, Trzin or Domžale, drive towards Kamnik, then continue along the Kamnik bypass towards Gornji Grad, Kamnik Bistrica and the Tuhinjska Valley. Before the end of Kamnik, leave the main road towards the Tuhinjska Valley and turn left towards Kamnik Bistrica. At the next crossroads, a few 100 m further on, turn left on the priority road (straight ahead Mekinje and Godič) and follow it to the nearby roundabout. From the roundabout, continue driving towards the centre of Kamnik, and follow Medvedova Street (Medvedova Street is now one-way) to the junction with Tunjiška Street. Turn right here and after about 50 m of further driving, park in the parking lot next to the railway line.
b) From Gornji Grad, drive over the Črnivec Pass to Kamnik. From the roundabout at the start, continue towards the centre of Kamnik, and we follow Medvedova Street (Medvedova Street is now one-way) to the junction with Tunjiška Street. Turn right here and after about 50 m of further driving, park in the parking lot next to the railway line.
c) From the motorway Maribor - Ljubljana, take the exit Vransko and then continue towards Tuhinj and Kamnik. When you arrive in Kamnik, turn right in the direction of Kamnik Bistrica. At the next crossroads, a few 100 m further on, turn left on the priority road (straight ahead Mekinje and Godič) and follow it to the nearby roundabout. From the roundabout, continue driving towards the centre of Kamnik, and follow Medvedova Street (Medvedova Street is now one-way) to the junction with Tunjiška Street. Turn right here and after about 50 m of further driving, park in the parking lot next to the railway line.
Path description:
From the parking lot, first walk to the railway line, cross it, and then start climbing moderately along the pavement that runs along Tunjiška cesta. The pavement ends higher up and the road narrows and flattens out a bit. There is a descent of a few minutes through the village of Košiše, and then you reach Tunjiška Mlaka, where there is a small crossroads. From the crossroads continue straight on towards the natural healing grove (Sidraž and Laniše on the right), where you first cross the Tunjščica stream and then begin a moderate climb between residential houses. At a higher altitude you reach the beginning of the Tunjice settlement, where you turn left at the crossroads and then left again after 50 m at the transformer. Further on, a well-marked and marked road leads you through views across hay meadows and past several fruit trees, then into the lane of a forest, where you climb up to a large parking lot in a few minutes.
Just before the parking lot, turn right and climb the steps to St Anne's Church.
From the church, you can pass a registration box and walk down to the road, from where you can cross a meadow to the top of the Vinski vrh (Vinski vrh).
zemljovid puta - Sveta Ana (Tunjice)
On the way: Košiše (395m), Tunjiška Mlaka (374m), Tunjice (405m)
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