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Mountain ranges / Northern Limestone Alps / Prielschutzhaus / Hinterstoder - Prielschutzhaus

Hinterstoder - Prielschutzhaus

Starting point: Hinterstoder (625 m)
Lat/Lon: 47,68196°N 14,1199°E
Time of walking: 2 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 795 m
Altitude difference po putu: 800 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 1.787
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 45
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
After the Šentilj border crossing, continue on the motorway past Graz and follow the signs for Salzburg and then Linz. The road also passes through two toll tunnels (€8 and €4. 5 - August 2013). Once you come out of the second tunnel (just after Liezen), continue past Spital am Pyhrn and then leave the motorway at the exit for Hinterstoder. Continue driving through Hinterstoder and then, about 2 km after the end of the village, turn right slightly downhill onto a narrow road leading to a parking lot. At the crossroads there are also yellow mountain signs with signs for the Prielschutzhaus hut. Park in the large pay parking lot (1 day: 3€, 2 days: 5€ - August 2013).
From the Gorenjska side: Drive through the Karavanke tunnel into Austria, then continue along the Thuringian Highway. We follow the motorway to Salzburg (also Solnograd) only as far as the exit for Radstadt, Schladming. We continue on the road past Schladming and Liezen. At Liezen we take the motorway to Linz. Leave the motorway at the exit for Hinterstoder. Continue as described above.
Path description:
From the parking lot, head east on the gravel road. The road quickly leads through the forest to a crossroads at the Klinser farm. We follow the main road slightly to the right after the "Prielschutzhaus" signs, and a slightly sharper right leads to Hinterstoder and the Schiederweiher lake.
From the crossroads, the trail follows the pastureland and then crosses the bridge over the river Steyr. After the bridge, the road turns left and follows the river for some time. The road then passes the Polsterstüberl guesthouse and leads to a crossroads where the road passes Lake Schiederweiher on the right.
At the crossroads, continue left along the still sloping road and follow the signs for hut Prielschutzhaus. The road continues through the woods and at the crossroads follow the signs for Prielschutzhaus. Later the road leads to a crossroads where signs direct us to the right on a footpath, and the road leads on towards a cargo cableway.
The path here passes through tall bushes and then soon starts to climb. At first, we climb up the eastern slopes and occasionally we get a view towards the starting point and the nearby lower peaks. This path then leads to the Klinserfall waterfall, which is located along the path. At the waterfall, the path turns slightly to the right onto slightly steeper slopes. The path here is not particularly difficult, but we are helped in a few places by a ropeway. The path then soon turns left and leads us under the rock oven (Grosser Ofen) and leads us to a less vegetated slope from which we have a nice view towards the Spitzmauer summit.
A little higher up, the path turns to the right and leads into the woods on the slopes below the funicular. The trail then continues near the cable car all the way to the Prielschutzhaus hut, which also offers a fine view of the Großer Priel.
zemljovid puta - Prielschutzhaus
On the way: Klinserfall (1060m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Großer Priel
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