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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Church of the Holy Cross (Retje) / Gojda (Jašek III.) - Church of the Holy Cross (Retje)

Gojda (Jašek III.) - Church of the Holy Cross (Retje)

Starting point: Gojda (Jašek III.) (327 m)
Time of walking: 55 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 193 m
Altitude difference po putu: 193 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 570
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 0
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
From Trbovlje to the old pond, from other towns (Hrastnik, Zagorje. . . . ), along the industrial road to shaft III at Gojda. The locals called it "drajer shoht".
Path description:
We start the trail at the old shaft III and continue along the middle macadam path (the lock), when we reach the crossroads we can already see the church in front of us. Continue along the path towards the church, come to the roadblock again, continue along the asphalt road. When you reach the little bridge over the meteor canal, turn right and follow the path to the forest and through the forest to the church in Retje.
zemljovid puta - Church of the Holy Cross (Retje)
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