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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Barentaler Kotschna/Struška / Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška (via Dobravske rovte)

Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška (via Dobravske rovte)

Starting point: Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt (975 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,454°N 14,0921°E
Name of path: via Dobravske rovte
Time of walking: 2 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 969 m
Altitude difference po putu: 969 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1 : 50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Author: heinz
Views: 16.115
 3 people like this post
Number of pictures: 54
Number of comments: 5
Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Lipce and turn right towards Jesenice. In the Slovenski Javornik settlement, at the first semaphorised junction, turn right (direction Lj. ) towards Koroška Bela. At the next traffic-light junction, turn left, and soon turn left again towards Javorníške Rovto. After a few kilometres of uphill driving, when you reach the village, follow the signpost Pristava. This, or Dom Pristava, is located 50 m to the right, above the last bus stop (at the crossroads of Monument nob, or 250 m before the end of the asphalt). Park in the parking lot of the Dom, where you can have a drink on the way back (preferable, but not obligatory).
Path description:
From the starting point in front of the Pristava House, turn right along the path through the short lane of the forest behind the House (Zoisov park), where you will come across a wooden bridge over a stream. On the other side of the bridge, bear right, northwards, across a large pasture with a path leading across it (if it is fenced off, you can go around it on the right). Once you have crossed the pasture, the path descends slightly and crosses two streams at a distance of 50 m. After the second stream, continue straight across the meadow, towards the woods (a brick building on the left). The path takes you through a short lane of woods and descends a little, then leads you back to the meadow, where your gaze stops on Mount Srednica. On the other side of the meadow, we re-enter a short lane of forest, where cart track leads us shortly to a forest road. Step onto it and turn left. The road soon leads over a bridge over the Jezernica stream, where it climbs to Dobravske rovte and turns into cart track. Follow this cart track, which soon turns left at a fork towards Mavry. A little higher up, you will see a left fork, and a little further on, follow the right fork (straight to Mavre), and follow cart track eastwards for a short distance. Shortly after, after passing another left fork, the path turns left and leads to the last fork. Take the left fork (private cottage on the right), where the path ends near the hayloft, and we continue left by the hayloft across the meadow, but not too far. Shortly after the aforementioned cottage, which is seen about 50 m to the right above us, we follow the overgrown hazel (partly spruce) edge descending to the left of the cottage, heading straight up across the meadow, where a barely visible track leads us higher into the forest. Here the path becomes easier to follow again, and in the slope of the mixed forest it turns first left and then right. When the path then leads into a predominantly coniferous forest, it turns left again and leads to a spring (yellow pipe) near the forest road. Shortly afterwards, when you emerge from the forest onto the road, you see a small cottage on the other side of the road, beyond which you find a relatively wide forest path climbing eastwards. Soon you will come to a sharp left fork where you continue straight east. After a while the path veers left, steeper into the hillside to the north, and continues to climb in switchbacks for some time. Higher up, the well-traced path heads west and climbs cross-country. As you pass into the lane of dwarf pines, you come across a pasture fence, and continue along the path, where views open up towards Kahlkogel, Kepa and the Julian Mountains. Soon the path leads us in 2-3 detours to the shepherd's hut at Belska mountain pasture.
From the hut, continue past the fenced water reservoir, where you will come across a marked trail, which you follow for only a short time. As you approach the first valley or ravine, follow it up northwards, where you will encounter parts of the path higher up. When you emerge from the ravine, head slightly right uphill on partly rocky terrain. When the steepness eases briefly, bear slightly right again up the south-west slope of Barentaler Kotschna, passing a slightly wider valley (gully) on our right. The path becomes more obvious, and takes us through dwarf pines to a small basin, where we turn left to the border ridge (here we get a view of Austria). From here we continue right along the edge (border), all the way to the top of Barentaler Kotschna, which is only a few 10 m higher. At the top you will come across a large boundary stone with a registration box.
zemljovid puta - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška
On the way: Belska planina (Svečica) (1700m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška2
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška3
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Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška5
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška6
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška7
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška8
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška9
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška10
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška11
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška12
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška13
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška14
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška15
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška16
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška17
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška18
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška19
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška20
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška21
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška22
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška23
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška24
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška25
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška26
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška27
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška28
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška29
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška30
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška31
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška32
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška33
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška34
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška35
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška36
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška37
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška38
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška39
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška40
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška41
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška42
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška43
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška44
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška45
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška46
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška47
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška48
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška49
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška50
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška51
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška52
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška53
Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška54
Discussion about the trail Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška (via Dobravske rovte)
gorskarozica26. 05. 2012
Lepa krožna tura iz Pristave, tudi narcis je še veliko. Prosim markaciste za več informacijskih tabel za pohodnike, ki niso iz teh koncev. jezik
Mirena27. 05. 2012
Strinjam se z Gorskorozico, da tam okrog ni dovolj označb za nas, ki prvič tavamo po tem koncu. Včeraj smo želeli videti še zadnje narcise in poznavalci na Javorniškem Rovtu so nas napotili proti Golici ("z avtom: Križovci - Pusti Rovt do rampe ali še naprej, če je ta odprta, nato peš naprej"). Rampe nismo videli, peljali smo se do konca poti, nato pa jo ubrali navzgor (nikjer ni bilo nobene markacije ali napisa) in prišli na - Belsko planino. Ni nam bilo žal, da smo zgrešili, saj smo odkrili pravi planinski raj: ogromno avrikljev, encijanov, tudi narcis je bilo še kar precej. Pa še zelo okusen in poceni golaž smo pojedli v koči. Baje smo šli po lovski poti.
heinz28. 05. 2012
Zgoraj opisana pot ni označena (markirana) planinska pot, temveč zgolj zanimiva opcija pristopa s Pristave. Tako bo najbrž ostalo tudi v prihodnje.
Mirena, za Pustim rovtom se najde tudi kakšna tabla, ki ti pomaga najti Golico, ali pa planino Svečica (Belska pl.) Rampi pa sta dve.
marezt1. 06. 2012
Mirena tabli za Golico in Belsko planino sta najmanj dve od Pustega rovta naprej. Poti sta markirane do Belske planine kot do Koče na Golici nasmeh
darh14. 07. 2012
Najprej moram avtorja pohvaliti za podroben opis poti, saj kljub temu, da smo šli danes po njej prvič, nismo niti enkrat bili v dilemi, kako nadaljevati. Sicer pa je za nami prav prijeten jutranji vzpon pred poslabšanjem vremena. Edinole meglice so nas prikrajšale za lepše razglede. Več o naši poti in vtisih pa tule.
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