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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Barentaler Kotschna/Struška / Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška (footpath)

Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška (footpath)

Starting point: Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt (975 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,454°N 14,0921°E
Name of path: footpath
Time of walking: 3 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 969 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1050 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 9.124
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 69
Number of comments: 2
Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Lipce and follow the road towards Jesenice. When you reach the semaphoreised junction where you join the old road, turn right in the direction of Žirovnice. Follow this road for only a short distance, as at the next slightly larger junction (traffic lights), turn left in the direction of Javorniški Rovto. The road then passes through an underpass (railway) and then turns left (Koroška Bela on the right). Follow the road, which starts to climb steeply higher up, in the direction of Javorníško Rovto. Follow the road to the parking lot near the mountain lodge.
Path description:
From the parking lot, walk to the mountain lodge, then continue your ascent along the initially less visible path that climbs up the left side of the marshy lake. Next, a beautifully visible and wide path leads us after a 5-minute walk to the road, where there is also a crossroads.
Continue right in the route Kahlkogel (left Javorniški Rovt, straight Španov vrh and Jelenkamen) and continue the ascent along the road, which first leads us past a large puddle, then turns right and leads us out of the forest. Once out of the forest, the view opens up towards Barentaler Kotschna, Medje dol and part of Belščice. The road, which continues to climb moderately, returns to the forest higher up and crosses a larger ravine, after which you soon arrive at a marked crossroads.
Leave the road here, which turns left and continues towards Križovec, and continue straight ahead on a less-traveled road. From the crossroads, walk along the road for just two minutes, then signs direct you left to cart track, which begins to climb steeply through the forest. After a few minutes of climbing, the path is laid and leads us out of the forest to the meadows of Pustega rovta, where we also join the road from Križovec. Here you continue straight along the gently sloping road, which quickly leads you to the nearby shepherd's hut.
From the shepherd's hut, continue along the road, which turns right into the forest at the upper part of Pusti Rovt. Just a little further on, you reach a marked crossroads, where you continue slightly right (left Kahlkogel) along a moderately steep path, which only a few metres higher crosses a relatively new road leading to Belska planina - Svečice. Cross the road and continue the ascent along the marked path, which soon leaves the forest and leads to the slopes below the Kočna saddle. Continue the ascent past a small hunting lodge, beyond which you will soon reach a watering point for animals. There is only a short climb and the trail leads to Sedlo Kočna, which offers a beautiful view of the Austrian side.
At the saddle, continue right towards Barentaler Kotschna (Kahlkogel and Ptičji vrh on the left) on a relatively gentle path that continues along the main ridge. After a few minutes the path starts to climb steeply and then turns sharply to the right, where it crosses the slopes to the right in a traverse. Higher up, the path leads from a belt of sparse woods and scrub to a scenic ridge where, after a further climb of some 10 m, a grazing fence is crossed. Just after crossing the grazing fence, the track splits in two. Continue along the lower right and marked path (slightly left Barentaler Kotschna along the ridge or along and near the state border), which continues across the slopes to the south-east. The trail continues through the forest for some time, then passes into the dwarf pines zone, where it starts to climb more visibly again. Higher up, the path briefly returns to the forest before passing into the Belska planina - Candle pastures. Here continue slightly left and after a few minutes of further walking reach the shepherd's hut at the above-mentioned mountain pasture.
From the hut, continue eastwards, initially only slightly uphill. After a five-minute walk from the hut, the path leads to a less steep ravine, where you continue left on a less visible unmarked path (straight mountain pasture Seča).
Continue up the grass-covered ravine, which is surrounded by dwarf pines. The path, which is a little more difficult to follow, turns right at the top of this gully into the vast world of Barentaler Kotschna. The path continues in a moderate ascent crossing the south-western slopes of Barentaler Kotschna, which are partly covered with dwarf pines (as the path is more difficult to follow, it is possible to quickly get lost among the dwarf pines). A little below the summit, the "path" leads to a ridge which is followed to the summit.
zemljovid puta - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška
On the way: Pusti Rovt (1296m), Sedlo Kočna (1469m), Belska planina (Svečica) (1700m)
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Discussion about the trail Dom Pristava in Javorniški Rovt - Barentaler Kotschna/Struška (footpath)
tango2. 03. 2021
Današnje razmere so bile idealne, ravno prav toplo, fenomenalna vidljivost, sneg pa je držal, tako da je bil pristop na Struško pravi užitek. Tudi kar precejšnje število smučarjev je vidno uživalo, saj je bila tudi smuka odlična. Nazaj po cesti v Pusti Rovt in do doma Pristava. Sneg na cesti se začne 1 km nad domom- tam kjer je tudi parkirišče za nekaj avtomobilov .
tango3. 06. 2021 19:33:01
Startala sva s ceste na sliki 18, potem na sedlo Kočna, po graničarski na Struško. V zgornjem rušnatem delu nama je plezanje skozi rušje olajšal sneg, tako da je bil pristop super. Nazaj na Belsko , kjer sva občudovala čudovite aranžmaje avrikja in encijana , potem navzgor na graničarsko in nazaj na sedlo Kočna, pogledat narcise na Ptičji vrh in nazaj v Pusti rovt. Težko bi bilo lepše!
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