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Cerkno - Bevkov vrh

Starting point: Cerkno (324 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,1261°N 13,9839°E
Destination: Bevkov vrh (1051 m)
Time of walking: 2 h 50 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 727 m
Altitude difference po putu: 780 m
Map: Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 3.190
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Number of pictures: 75
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Access to the starting point:
From the road Idrija - Tolmin (you can also take the road via the pass Kladje, Davča, Leskovice. . . ), drive to Cerkno, where you can park in one of the car parks in the centre or outskirts of the town.
Path description:
From Cerkno continue on the main asphalt road towards Škofja Loka. Walk along the main road for a while, and you will see a few rare markings along the road. After about 20 minutes of not very safe walking (we are walking on a winding and sometimes quite busy main road), the road makes its first sharp left turn. Just before this turn, the signs direct us to the right onto a side road, which leads to a small hamlet. We walk past a few houses, then the asphalt is replaced by macadam, and we follow the road for only a few more 10 steps, as the signs then direct us to the left to the ascending and marked cart track (you can also drive here, which shortens the journey by about 30 minutes, while avoiding walking on the main road).
Follow cart track quickly up to the nearby meadow, and at the top edge of the meadow the marked path turns right into the forest. There is a few minutes' climb through the dense forest, then cross the forest road and continue the climb along the waymarked path. Cross the road and some tracks again, and then emerge from the forest to a small wooden hut. Above the hut, the track we are walking on turns left, and we leave it here and climb over the initially steep grassy slope to a nearby farmhouse, where we get on the road. We walk along the road for only a short distance, and then signs direct us to the right onto a wide track which splits into two parts higher up. Continue along the left-hand one, which soon becomes completely flat, and then, crossing the slopes to the left, leads to a small hamlet. Behind the hamlet, from which we have a beautiful view of the surrounding hills, the kolovoz, or worse road, starts to climb moderately and after a few minutes of further walking leads us to the centre of the village Podlanišče, where there is a marked crossroads.
From the pass Kladje to Podlanišče, continue in the direction of the sanctuary Lajše, Bevkov vrh and Sivka and initially continue along the asphalt road. Walk along the road for a short distance and then, at a small crossroads, before the road turns into the forest, continue on the road to the left and immediately right onto a footpath that climbs between the two roads and goes into the forest. Through the woods, first climb cart track, and then signs point you slightly to the right on a marked path which crosses some tracks higher up. When you reach a wider track higher up by the wood pile, follow it and it leads you out of the forest without any major changes in elevation, and a few minutes further on to an asphalt road which you follow to the right. Follow the road a few steps to a small pass where there is a marked crossroads. From the crossroads, turn left in the direction of Bevkov vrh and the local cheese. At the next junctions, follow the signs for the local cheese, while the road descends approximately 50 metres in elevation. The road levels off at a lower level and the marked path from Želin joins us on the right. A few 10 steps further on, we reach the farm Na Ravan, where it is possible to buy some dairy products, and here, a few steps before the farm, we continue to the left on the cart track, which continues behind the houses. Cart track quickly turns into a path which then climbs up through the pasture, and higher up we reach a slightly wider track which climbs across to the right. As you enter the woods, you will see a larger marking resembling a road sign, and here the track turns into the woods and turns left. As you re-emerge from the woods, you will see another larger marker to help you descend. Follow cart track to a pasture fence and then along it to a chapel located by a power line.
From the chapel, where the SPP stamp and the registration box are located, continue left in the direction of Sovodnja. It is a 10-minute walk along the partially overlooked ridge Bevkov vrh. When the path turns into the forest, we are only a few steps away from the top of Bevkov vrh.
Cerkno - Kladje 1:20, Kladje - Bevkov vrh 1:30.
zemljovid puta - Bevkov vrh
On the way: Kladje (787m), Na Ravan (875m)
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