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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Koča na Dobrči / Bistriška planina - Koča na Dobrči

Bistriška planina - Koča na Dobrči

Starting point: Bistriška planina (1057 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3797°N 14,2741°E
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 421 m
Altitude difference po putu: 490 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 79.596
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 43
Number of comments: 12
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Ljubelj exit and follow the road towards Tržič. Just before the petrol station at Tržič, turn right (towards Tržič) and then immediately left (towards Begunje) and continue to the village Brezje pri Tržiču. In the village Brezje pri Tržiču, at the top of the hill, turn right towards Bistrica mountain pasture. After about 100 m you will come to a crossroads where you turn right onto a forest road. The road, which continues to climb quite steeply, leads us to Bistriška planina, where we park in a roadside parking lot (Brezje pri Tržiču - Bistriška planina 3. 1 km, of which 2. 6 km are macadam).
Path description:
From the parking lot at Bistriška planina continue on the macadam road, which after a short climb leads to Breška planina, which is identified by a wooden hunting lodge. The deteriorating road then leads us to a crossroads, where we continue right on the steep cart track in the direction of Lešanska planina (left Brezje pri Tržiču and Koča na Dobrči - the path over Breško hora). The cart track which we then climb has a few forks, but if we follow the markings it leads us without much difficulty to the above-mentioned mountain pasture, from which we have a nice view of Storžič and Tolsti vrh.
From the shepherd's hut on Lešanska planina, continue left and cross to the other side of mountain pasture, where the path goes into the forest. Walk along the path for some time, which continues without any major changes in altitude, and then arrive at a marked crossroads where the path from Brezje pri Tržicu joins from the left, the path to the right branches off towards the summit of Dobrča, and we continue straight on in the direction of Hut na Dobrči. There is a short descent and a crossing cart track, and then we walk through the forest for a few minutes. When the forest ends, step onto the edge of lookout Maria Elender Alm, from where you descend into a small valley, and from there, within a minute's further walking, you climb up to Hut na Dobrči.
Bistriška planina - Lešanska planina 1:00, Lešanska planina - Koča na Dobrči 30 minutes.
zemljovid puta - Koča na Dobrči
On the way: Lešanska planina (1450m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Dobrča, Šentanski vrh
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
Bistriška planina - Koča na Dobrči1
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Discussion about the trail Bistriška planina - Koča na Dobrči
tnt00723. 11. 2009
V soboto bili na Dobrči in koči na Dobrči, krasen družinski izlet, prekrasni razgledi daleč naokoli.
kaanja17. 11. 2012
Danes sem na Šentanskem vrhu na skrinjici z žigom pozabila beležko (svetlo rjave barve, trde platnice), kamor vpisujem osvojene vrhove. Če jo je kdo našel in odnesel v dolino, ga lepo prosim, da me kontaktira. Najlepša hvala!
balon18. 05. 2014
Zanima me ali je pot do izhodišča primerna za večji avto-enoprostorec?

Hvala in lep pozdrav,

Bojan_A18. 05. 2014
Je, preverjeno 3 ure nazaj.
balon18. 06. 2014
modrook127. 07. 2016
zanima me če je pot primerna za štiriletnega fanta?je pot dobro markirana?

lep planinski pozdrav
JORDAN8. 07. 2016
Je primerna in markirana,kar korajžno.
modrook128. 07. 2016
hvala za odgovor
Pelca27. 08. 2016
Super pot je od Lešanske planine desno (levo je proti koči na Dobrčo) po shojeni stezi v hrib proti vrhu Dobrče in nato na 5 minut oddaljen Šentanski vrh (razgled proti Triglavu - vidita se tudi Blejsko in Bohinjsko jezero), ter šele nato spust do koče na Dobrči. To nam izlet podaljša za dobro uro. Na Dobrči je pa izvrstna hrana, pohvalno. Le stranišče bi lahko obnovili.zadrega
Rokovnjacica24. 09. 2019
Pozdravljeni hribovci!
A mi lahko kdo pove kakšna je gozdna cesta iz Brezij pri Tržiču do Bistriške planine, prosim.
Je primerna za osebni avtomobil ali bolj za terenca?nasmeh
Roman2924. 09. 2019
Cesta je v dobrem stanju in je prevozna z vsakim osebnim avtomobilom.
Rokovnjacica26. 09. 2019
Hvala lepa Roman29 in ti pomaham iz Dobrče, ko bom gorvelik nasmeh
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