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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Dom na Kališču / Bašelj - Dom na Kališču (via hospital Košuta)

Bašelj - Dom na Kališču (via hospital Košuta)

Starting point: Bašelj (590 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,321°N 14,4002°E
Name of path: via hospital Košuta
Time of walking: 2 h 40 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 944 m
Altitude difference po putu: 944 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 7.335
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 45
Number of comments: 6
Access to the starting point:
a) From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice, take the exit Kranj - East, then continue driving in the direction of Jezersko. When you reach Preddvor, leave the main road and turn left towards the centre of the town, and from there follow the signs for Bašelj. When you reach Bašelj, at the point where the main road makes a long left turn, leave the main road and continue straight ahead in the direction of the Gamsova cesta (Gamsova cesta). Continue along the narrow asphalt road that leads between the houses and the Belica stream. Park in the parking lot next to the Bašelj Tourist Board.
b) From the motorway Jesenice - Ljubljana, take the exit Kranj - West and turn left at the first junction. Continue through the underpass under the motorway and then to the roundabout, from where you continue in the direction of Golnik. The road continues through Mlaka pri Kranju, and at the end of the village we turn right in the direction of Srakovlje. We then drive through Srakovlje, Spodnja Bela, Srednja Bela, Zgornja Bela (in Zgornja Bela we join the road from Preddvor) to Bašlja, where the main road makes a long left turn, we leave it and continue straight on in the direction of Gamsova cesta. Continue along the narrow asphalt road that leads between houses and the Belica stream. Park in the parking lot next to the Bašelj Tourist Board.
Path description:
From the starting point at the log cabin of the Bašelj Tourist Association, continue along the forest road closed to public traffic, which leads us along the Belica stream. At first we walk along the football and basketball pitches, then we arrive at the first crossroads of the gams' trail, where the trail branches off to the left towards the Church of St. Lawrence, the Lodge under St. Lawrence, and it is also possible to continue towards Storžič, Krničarjeva koča na planini Javornik, Mali and Velika Poljana. . .
From the above mentioned crossroads, the ascent continues along the macadam road, which climbs moderately through the forest or partly through the bushes. After a few minutes, we arrive at the forest road turning point, where the footpath to Kališe continues to the right across the stream, and slightly to the left the gamsova trail continues, leading to Gradišče and further to St. Lovrec, and the path to Kališe along the forest road, Kališe past the Košuta Hospital and Kališe along the ridge of Kisovec. The path continues along the wide cart track, climbing towards the nearby water reservoir. Before the water reservoir, leave the wide cart track and continue again slightly left, on the path where the gams' trail continues. Continue for a few minutes on the steeper cart track, and when this ends, continue right on a less distinct but relatively well beaten path that climbs through the forest. Higher up, the track is partly lost in a few places, and we follow the otherwise sparse yellow and white markings that mark the gams' path. We climb through the forest for a few minutes, then at one bend we reach another forest road, which we follow to the right (to the left Laško). We walk along the macadam road for a few 10 metres and we are at the next crossroads, where the path to St. Lovrenec branches off to the left, and a few steps further on, to the right, to the top of Gradišče. Continue along the road for another 10 minutes, then you will reach a small parking area and a few steps further on to the turning point at the end of the road.
From the end of the road, turn left onto cart track in the direction of Kališe and Storžiča. Cart track then climbs moderately along the bed of the Belica stream and after about 10 minutes splits into two parts. Continue along the left-hand cart track, which ends after a few metres. At this part, leave the vicinity of the riverbed and continue slightly to the left on a path that climbs steeply through the forest. The steepness soon gives way and the path leads to the partisan hospital Košuta. After the hospital, cross two successive torrents, and then the path becomes steeper again. The path continues through the forest, crossing one steeper slope where a little more caution is needed in the wet. Above the steep part we reach the side ridge Kališe, where the unmarked path from Bašlje joins us from the right.
Continue left here and continue the ascent on the steep path, which continues through gradually thinning forest. After a bench and a few views of nearby Storžič, the path turns right and returns to the dense forest. A less steep path follows, which quickly leads to the first hut on Spodnji Kališe. After the hut, the forest ends, and then, on a pleasant grassy surface, you reach the central part of the mountain pasture in a few minutes, where you also join the usual route from Maca.
From Spodnje Kališe continue slightly left in the direction of Dom na Kališe, from where a few minutes walk through the forest follows, and then we reach a nice lookout point, from which a nice view opens up towards the nearby Dom na Kališe, Malý Grintovec, the ridge of Lanež, Krvavec, etc. From the viewpoint, it's just a short climb and we're at the Dom na Kišče.
zemljovid puta - Dom na Kališču
On the way: Planina Kališče (1450m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Bašeljski vrh, Mali Grintovec, Storžič
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Bašelj - Dom na Kališču (via hospital Košuta)
Enka5. 08. 2018
Lepa, dobro označena pot. Bolj zanimiva in razgibana od klasičnega pristopa, po katerem smo se iz Bašlja vzpeli do Kališča.
ppegan26. 04. 2021 09:44:17
Pot do Kališča je v celoti kopna, ne glede na smer pristopa (iz Mač ali Bašlja), preverjeno včeraj. Na kako fliko snega se malo pod domom še stopi, to je pa tudi vse. Na Spodnjem Kališču že odganjajo žafrani, ki narišejo nasmeh na obraz nasmeh
hočo26. 04. 2021 14:17:18
Nisem takoj dojel, pomoje sva se včeri srečala nekje okoli Gradišča. 2 psa Ane nasmeh
ppegan26. 04. 2021 14:30:28
Hočo, res sem mela obe s sabo, tastaro in tamlado, sam ne vem, če sva se okol Gradišča srečala. Ker si pa bil? Je blo včeraj kar nekaj ljudi v teh koncih. A sem šla dol al gor?
hočo26. 04. 2021 14:50:10
Jst dol ti gor, ob cca. 8:30
ppegan26. 04. 2021 15:08:07
Aha, pod Gradiščem je bilo, res. Se te spomnim nasmeh Si bil med zgodnimi in hitrimi mežikanje
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