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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Visoki Mavrinc / 2nd hairpin turn of Vršič road - Visoki Mavrinc (Za Kumlehom)

2nd hairpin turn of Vršič road - Visoki Mavrinc (Za Kumlehom)

Starting point: 2nd hairpin turn of Vršič road (930 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4612°N 13,78°E
Name of path: Za Kumlehom
Time of walking: 2 h
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 632 m
Altitude difference po putu: 650 m
Map: Kranjska Gora 1:30.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 24.333
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 21
Number of comments: 11
Access to the starting point:
From Kranjska Gora we drive towards the Vršič Pass. Just after the 2nd serpentine of the Vršič or Ruska road, you will see a large parking lot on your left.
Path description:
From the parking lot, first cross the road carefully, then turn onto the narrower road, which is still asphalted. After a few steps, the asphalt ends and the road turns into a forest, where it continues for some time. The very bad road, which crosses a few torrents, ends in a small clearing (a turning point) after a good 15 minutes of climbing.
From here, continue straight ahead on the wide cart track, which goes into the forest. The cart track which we then climb has a few forks, but if we follow the path carefully, we will soon reach a larger torrent, where it disappears for a short time. Continue climbing along the gravel of the torrent and you will soon see cart track, which continues left into the forest.
The track then leads us through the initial part of the undistinguished valley of Za Kumleh, and we follow it to a point where it turns quite left. It is at this point that we see a small man, next to which we see a relatively steep path which we then climb. After a short climb, the path returns to cart track, which we finally leave after a further 10 steps.
On the right-hand side of cart track you will see a path, at first less visible, which climbs parallel to the track for a while and then starts to climb up a moderately steep slope in a number of switchbacks. The path ahead leads past a large boulder, after which the forest becomes a little thinner. Soon the path returns to the dense forest, where it crosses the slopes to the left. During the crossing, we cross two slightly awkwardly traversed ravines.
The path ahead begins to climb steeper through the forest, then turns slightly to the right. The steepness then eases, and after a few minutes' further walking the path leads to a saddle between Visoki Mavrinc on the left and Kumlehova glava on the right.
Continue left into the dense forest (straight down hut na Gozdu, Kumlehova glava on the right) on a path that first climbs gently along an indistinct ridge, then turns slightly to the right, where it begins to climb more steeply. After only 5 minutes of climbing, the increasingly scenic route quickly leads to the top of the High Mor. In the lower part, the greater number of switchbacks makes orientation a little more difficult.
zemljovid puta - Visoki Mavrinc
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2nd hairpin turn of Vršič road - Visoki Mavrinc1
2nd hairpin turn of Vršič road - Visoki Mavrinc2
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2nd hairpin turn of Vršič road - Visoki Mavrinc21
Discussion about the trail 2nd hairpin turn of Vršič road - Visoki Mavrinc (Za Kumlehom)
JusAvgustin12. 12. 2010
Seveda je vreden, saj je vsak razglednik PP-ja tega vreden...nasmeh
cepin753. 11. 2014
Bil gor 02.11.14, te poti začasno ne priporočam ker je ful podrtega drevja čez pot, še posebej po tistih dveh grapah je ful nevarno, tako da raje izberite tisto drugo pot.
ločanka21. 05. 2016
A je slučajno ta pot sedaj kaj v boljšem stanju?
Sasah31. 10. 2017
Danes sem hotela po tej poti na Mavrinc. Za drugo grapo je polno podrtih dreves-izredno nevarno. Po pogovoru z dvema pohodnikoma,ki sta imela tudi tezavo sem se obrnila in bom sla drugic po krajsi poti.
piamhrob10. 07. 2018
Pot neprehodna, ogromno podrtih dreves, po uri in pol hoje se steza zapre in izgubi. Priporocam izbiro druge poti. nasmeh
lukecpukec2. 11. 2021 10:17:58
A je ta pot še "neprehodna", kot je bilo rečeno zgoraj? Hvala.
chazhmy2. 11. 2021 12:23:51
Pot je normalno prehodna.
lukecpukec2. 11. 2021 16:38:24
Hvala chazhmy nasmeh
taubi6612. 06. 2022 11:58:43
To pot bi lahko brisali tu. Vsaj po moje. Res je, da pot na veliki Mavrinc ni markirana, vendar na tej poti je pravi kaos ko so gozdarji pospravljali les. Včeraj sva se z dekletom izgubila na njej in nisva našla druge poti kot nazaj.
gamsek122. 08. 2022 11:39:56
@taubi66: jaz sem šel po tej poti kakšen teden za tvojo objavo in stezi načeloma ni težko slediti, razen morda na nekaj odsekih. Sicer pa sem imel za referenco tudi app z vrisanimi pohodniškimi potmi, da sem vsake toliko preveril, če sem na pravi poti. Vsekakor tudi tebi priporočam, da si naložiš kakšen tak app za boljšo orientacijo, če si kdaj v dvomih. Meni ena izmed lepših in preglednih/enostavnih aplikacij je recimo Lp
ločanka6. 10. 2022 19:33:51
Po tej poti sem hodila prvič, a zdi se, da je teh gozdnih vlak res vse več. Segajo prav do Malega Mavrinca in tam je sedaj prava poseka. Domnevam, da je prej ni bilo, a ni za vse slabo. Sedaj se tam odpre prav lep pogled na Škrlatico, Razor, Prisojnik. V drugem delu poti pa bolj prvobiten svet, lepa cik-cak potka, mehke trave, praproti, da ti pot do sedla kar prehitro mine.
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