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Video / Interesting / Škrlatica


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Keywords: Alpine Hippies, Škrlatica, skrlatica, triglav, stenar, dolkova špica, vrata, aljažev dom, dolina, sovatno, bivak, rušje, rušju, bivouac, biwak, julijske alpe, alpe, julischen alpen, alpen, julian alps, alps, alpi giulie, alpi, bergsteigen, klettern, wandern, slowenien, hiking, climbing, slovenia, trekking, špik, gipfel, summit, Park, Mountains, National, narodni park, Trail, National Park (IUCN Category), triglavski narodni park, kredarica, prag, luknja, kot, krma, Kranjska Gora (City/Town/Village), Mojstrana (Location), bivacco
Video length: 06:13
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