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Video / Interesting / Seb Bouin's Vintage Rock Tour Ep.3 - Classic 9a+ Biographie Pushes Seb To His Limits

Seb Bouin's Vintage Rock Tour Ep.3 - Classic 9a+ Biographie Pushes Seb To His Limits

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Keywords: EpicTV, Classic 9a+ Biographie Pushes Seb To His Limits | Seb Bouin's Vintage Rock Tour Ep.3, climbing, rock climbing, french sport climbing, Ceuse, Céüse, rock climbing project, outdoors, adventure, modern man, get strong, build muscles, climbing training, get better at climbing, get inspired, climbing in the olympics, free solo, alex honnold, alex megos, bibliographie, chris sharma
Video length: 12:32
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