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Video / Interesting / Hidden Faces Ep 3 - Attempting to Ski Steep Mountain Face at Sunrise

Hidden Faces Ep 3 - Attempting to Ski Steep Mountain Face at Sunrise

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Keywords: Hidden Faces, paul de groot, loic isliker, hidden faces, epsiode, epsiodes, freeride, freeride skiing, backcountry skiing, big mountain skiing, switzerland, powder, ski, skiing, backflip, double, tricks, freestyle, off piste, faces, hidde, hidden, face, cliff, drop, black crow skis, Aiguilles Rouges d'Arolla, steep, arolla, Val d'Hérens, petzl, ice axe, ski mountaineering, climbing, sunrise, hike, Slingsby, cabin, cabane, Rouges, ep 3, A babord, region evolene
Video length: 09:47
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