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Video / Interesting / 9 Martie 2021, Partia Cocosul Predeal Romania, by Mister Fox | Skiing with the bear on the slope

9 Martie 2021, Partia Cocosul Predeal Romania, by Mister Fox | Skiing with the bear on the slope

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Keywords: adi99fox, urs, ski, partie, schi, predeal, romania, bear, pericol, wild, life, amazing, shock, teroare, slope, skier, movie, film, Huawei P30 Pro, Run, fuga, control, psycho, Cocosul, Cocosu, teleferic, Kastle, Fox, Mister Fox, teama, fear, excelent, grate, unic, incredibil, incredible, chases, caught, gretefull, nature, wildlife, forest, bears, curaj, brave, hero, lectie, lesson, human, chase, danger, dangerous
Video length: 07:45
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