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andreas / Zadnja sporočila

andreas - Zadnja sporočila

Začete teme:
andreas7. 06. 2010 19:30:33

We are going on vacation in slovenia/kroatie with the scouts (9 people), and as every vacation of scouts we make a trip in the mountains of 2 or 3 days.Therefor we need a good trip (safe and beautifull) but the problem is that i dont really know slovenia, so i was wondering of anyone could help us with giving advice about a good trip of 2 or3 days. we have tents, and we are the average walker (not slow not fast)
can anyone give us advice or recomand a trip? thanks in advance all advice is welcome

andreas13. 06. 2010 09:06:59
ok im sorry i must have misunderstood you, the trip you desribe looks nice but it's chinese for me ^^. maybe it gets better when i have a map of those mountains.
what i also wanted to ask is how much does it costs to sleep in those mountain houses , and do you need to reservate? because we don't have a big budget
andreas13. 06. 2010 08:40:32
ok im sorry i must have misunderstood you, the trip you desribe looks nice but it's chinese for me ^^. maybe it gets better when i have a map of those mountains.
what i also wanted to ask is how much does it costs to sleep in those mountain houses , and do you need to reservate? because we don't have a big budget
andreas13. 06. 2010 08:37:39
ok im sorry i must have misunderstood you, the trip you desribe looks nice but it's chinese for me ^^. maybe it gets better when i have a map of those mountains.
what i also wanted to ask is how much does it costs to sleep in those mountain houses , and do you need to reservate? because we don't have a big budget
andreas10. 06. 2010 17:03:27
thank you for all the response!
but what we are looking for is a trip in the mountains that takes three days (without going back every day) so its like this
day one we walk an sleep in the mountains
day two we walk in the mountains an sleep in the mountains
day three we walk and arrive back at starting point or close too arriving point (without taking the same way as trip 1 i supose)
we don't need to see snow we just want to walk the mountains , we dont need any hotel (we use tents)
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