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Železna vrata - Trstelj

Starting point: Železna vrata (445 m)
Lat/Lon: 45,8635°N 13,7184°E
Destination: Trstelj (643 m)
Time of walking: 35 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 198 m
Altitude difference po putu: 200 m
Map: Goriška - izletniška karta 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): crampons
Views: 13.779
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 26
Number of comments: 2
Access to the starting point:
a) From the motorway or expressway Razdrto - Vrtojba take the exit Selo and then continue to Sel, Batuje and Dornberk. At Dornberk, turn left towards Branik, then turn right towards Trstelj. Continue along the ascending road to the Železna vrata pass, where you will park in a suitable area.
b) From Nova Gorica or its surroundings, drive to Dornberk and from there continue to the right in the direction of Trstelj. Continue along the ascending road to the Železna vrata pass, where you will park in a suitable parking space.
c) First drive to Sežana and from there continue towards Komno. From Komno, drive towards the village of Škrbina and the hamlet of Šibelji, then towards Dornberk. Follow the road to Dornberk only as far as the prevala Železna vrata, where you will park in a suitable place.
Path description:
From Železna vrata follow the dirt road towards Trstelj, and we follow it to the power line. Just after the power line, leave the road and continue left along the marked path, which begins to climb steeply. After a few minutes, the path flattens out and turns into a scenic and relatively steep slopes. The path quickly returns to the forest and the path from Renč joins us on the right.
Continue left in the direction of the hut, along the path which soon splits into two parts. Continue slightly to the right along a marked shortcut, then join a fainter forest road, which you follow to the nearby Stjenko's hut on Trstelj.
From the hut, continue to the right towards the summit and follow a pleasant path ascending through lane of sparse forest. Just a little higher up, you join the wide cart track, which will take you to the top of Trstelj in a few 10 steps of further walking.
zemljovid puta - Trstelj
On the way: Stjenkova koča na Trstelju mountain hut (610m)
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Discussion about the trail Železna vrata - Trstelj
PlaRinka4. 06. 2017
Lep in hiter sprehod. V poletnih mesecih je sicer na poti kljub gozdu izredno vroče, zato priporočam, da se na pot odpravite čimprej.
Žig je pri vhodu v kočo.
ovi6. 06. 2023 20:00:06
Bila (i) mesec dni nazaj - oskrbnik koče - tak , kot bi moral biti vsak - nedelja zjutraj- fešta na pune - brez dodatnega zaslužka, koča odprta - ni pa sprehod, sorry predhodnik - 45 min. "švicanja" - - ni res ? (razen,če si se pripeljal z el. biko do koče ;-)); malo po izhodišču so jagri (lovci) imeli neko fešto (ciljali tarče)- fajn turica za raziskovanje primorskega zaledja- še enkrat- gemitlch turca za dopodne ...

lp iz štajerske :-)
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